3 months postpartum have mild bladder prolapse and light pink discharge??


Hi ladies, I never got the diagnosis from my midwife directly about a prolapse but I am certain its a mild bladder prolapse. It has not improved in weeks at all. I am really discouraged, and something new now is I found pink discharge. Is this still lochia after 3 months postpartum or is this from the prolapse itself? I can't even imagine how intercourse would be possible like this....Will it ever move back??

If you are having a pink discharge that you are concerned about, you may want to seek out your physician to make sure everything is all right. We are not medical people here, so we can't really advise you about what could possibly be going on with you.
As far as prolapse goes, it does not cause a pinkish discharge. I had kind of a yellowish discharge with mine, but nothing blood tinged.
Intercourse will come when you are ready for it. Prolapse doesn't get in the way of having sex.
In your last post, a lot of great advice was given. Have you had a chance to look into whole woman posture? It is through getting a good understanding of what your body is going through and practicing whole woman posture that your symptoms will be relieved. You just have to start doing it.
And please do remember that your body has 2 years of healing to go through yet. Many of your issues may just resolve on their own.

Hello Augustina, I just thought I would give you a little note about PP POP. I also had a bladder prolapse, which turned into all 3 early on PP. Now I am almost 18 months PP. I keep in posture, and hardly ever notice the POP at all. They are there, sometimes they are lower than other days, like when I am ovulating and when I have my cycle. That being said they do not have physical symptoms of the tampon falling out etc. Posture is key. As for the discharge, you may be getting your cycle back, some women do get it back fairly early. Or it could be a bladder infection. If it doesn't resolve you may need to check with the doctor. About sex, it moves out of the way. Take it easy and tell your husband how you feel about having sex again. Also learn firebreathing and nauli! It was very important at the start, and still is a very important tool to rearrange those organs. With time they will stay put for longer and longer. Hope you feel some improvement soon, and keep working on the posture. Remember to stay relaxed in posture or you'll pull all sorts of muscles and go to bed aching every night! Really you will get much much better, just check my posts, you'll see how much of a wreck I was, and how I feel now, I couldn't have even imagined!

thank you ladies! I am sorry for the late response, I have been really sick. I am guessing this discharge could be late lochia....its not unheard of. The posture thing I thought I was doing but honestly don't know how to even do it. I know I need the dvd but cannot afford it right now. I tried to read up on it and listen to what others said about it and I thought got it but maybe just need to read more expirences and tips about it. Thank you for being here and telling me its going to be ok...I will give my body time. my 3rd baby was an 11 pounder born vaginally...I am pretty proud of my body for that.