Bad constipation today,& HAD to really PUSH, I'm scared!


Okay, now.........I'm fairly new here, and I have NO money in which to buy all the books and CD's.....I would LOVE to,but I can't right now. I've been posting on the MENOPAUSE AND PROLAPSE forum a few times .....

Okay so.......I discovered this prolapse, this BULGE in the opening of my vagina on Oct. 18th......after living in total fear for a a few days I ran to the dr.(who naturally wasn't in that day) but had his PA look at it, and she confirmed it,...Prolapse. Okay, she reassured me this is not cancer. WHEW! So, I found this great website, and began to read and read, and I've learned so much, especially watching Christine Kent on You Tube.

Now, pretty much (rem. I only "found" this on Oct. 18th) I've been able to relax on the toilet, and let nature take it's course, NOT pressing down, NOT pushing!!! And, it was ok, it was working.....sure, every now and then, I'd have to give it a LITTLE MILD push, but nothing hard at all!!! I was VERY careful not to do that, even if it meant, sitting there for a LONG time!

But today, was different. UGH! I hadn't had a BM in 3 days (today would have been day 3) and I could "feel" it in there, just sitting in there, know that feeling in your intestines, your bloated and your abdomen is hard...and to boot, you can actually feel that pressure down in the rectum and all the way down to the anus, that there is backed up "stuff" in there, and you WANT to push it out......a natural feeling.

But, knowing what I've read here and on other sites and such, they say, DON'T do that! OK, so, I sat on the toilet ONE WHOLE HOUR, with my legs going numb, the whole thing. Oh man, I was depressed and scared, because I was worried I wasn't going to be able to get this out!!!! I mean, it would get down as low as the actual anus opening, and then, just it there like a rock......or have the NERVE to actually start to sort of "crawl" back up!!!(that's happened to me before ,though) ................SO,....FINALLY, after ONE WHOLE HOUR, of that constant back and forth, that constant "ok ok here we go, it's going to finally come out without me pushing"...........NOTHING!....So, I went nuts, I lost it.........I couldn't go on like that, and I knew I certainly couldn't get off the toilet, and walk around like that all day............bec. I mean, it was sitting right at the opening of the anus! Now, what scared me was the "feeling" of that bulge in my vagina, during all this, during the entire hour. It DOESN'T hurt, the bulge doesn't have pain in and of, but the whole vagina felt insane pressure, for pete sake, I felt like I was going to have the BM through my vagina!!!!!! Now, obviously,I knew that would be impossible....but that's how it felt! I shifted around on the toilet, moved from side to side, bent over, sat straight up, you name it, I did it! But, it would get all the way down the opening of the anus, and not come out...........
WHICH IS WHEN I FINALLY SAID...........................THAT'S IT! I couldn't go on like this!

So, I relaxed as much as possible anyway............and the next "go round", the next time it started to sort of descend down the rectum to the anus, I began to push, but gently......and then breathe.....then push slightly...then breathe.....etc.............still, it wouldn't come out. I could however feel I was making SOME progress, but still in all, this was horrible! came down to the opening of the anus once again, and this time, I'm sorry........I HAD TO PUSH! THIS WAS INSANE! Unfortunately, I had to push rather hard........and finally, quite a bit came out which had been held up in there for 3days. Now, at first, I felt relief!!!! OH THANK GOD! But, after all this lovely discussion (sorry for the graphics)......I feel scared that I had to press down that hard to have the BM......I mean, I was having pictures in my mind of the Bulge "bursting" open or someting....does it do that?

It hasn't gotten any bigger, thank God! It doesn't really feel "sore" per se.....but I have to say this, I have these feelings in my vagina on and off, like I'm being poked with a pin, it's weird....not all the time, just on and off.....and all sorts of other icky, weirdo feelings in, that's NOT just from today, I mean, I've had those weird pin prick feelings in there AFTER I discovered the that normal too?

My intestines feel sore, and I'm afraid to even eat at this point...bec. then obviously, I'll have to have a BM again, and I only PRAY it'll be softer and not constipated! (like it was before).

Please, someone tell me this isn't going to cause the Bulge to fall out, or get BIGGER, or painful....or whatever......................I've tried SO hard, SO SO SO SO HARD since I discovered this on Oct. 18th, to just sit on the toilet and WAIT.....and it would always work out...hardly every pushed at all! BUT TODAY, WAS DIFFERENT! Now, I feel frightened and icky down in there....isnt sort or sickening.........probably due to a LOT of fear! I mean, I feel like it's going to fall out! (and that's another weird thing, there are days when it seems FARTHER UP in there,,,,,,,and days when it's right at the opening of my vagina!).....this is driving me crazy!

HAS ANYONE HERE TRIED A NATURAL SEA SPONGE PESSARY? I DON'T want to put plastic or latex up in my vagina, thank you!

Thank you all for reading all of this, I'm just so new to this, and if I had the money I'd buy all of Christines stuff in a heartbeat!

Work on your diet, starlight, so you don't have to wait 3 days to go. What you describe was the norm for me for most of my life, and probably contributed to my profound uterine prolapse.
Also, don't sit on the toilet for an hour. If it doesn't feel like it is coming out, get up and go about your business and drink plenty of water.
Some of ladies on here like to take magnesium to keep their bowels moving. There's tons of discussions on constipation on this site. Just type it in the search box.

Hello Aging gracefully ....... thank you for getting back to me! Listen, there are diff. types of, which is the best for constipation? Yeah, no, I'm never doing this gosh, my intestines STILL feel awful ....ALSO...let me ask you this, how about PROTEIN? I have a friend who makes PROTEIN drinks from protein powder, and milk...she SWEARS by this, and says it keeps her very "regular" constipation.....what do you think? I drink a lot of ALOE VERA juice as well, which does make me feel better. I also am dealing with IBS, so, this only makes it worse. Okay, now I know I asked this in my previous post, but, this bulge thing, won't burst open, will it? I know, maybe that sounds like a dumb question, but I don't know, it seems to have felt that way today with all that pressure, you know? If I had the money, I'd buy all of christine's materials, but right now, all Iv'e got is this forum, and Christine's You Tube channel..........I'm being very careful about my posture as welll!!!!!!

Okay, thank you once again.......!

I believe it is magnesium citrate, but you can look at past posting on this forum to be sure. I don't take anything special, and I don't believe in special drinks. I just believe in eating the right kinds and combinations of foods to keep my bowels moving. It took me time, study, and experimentation to get that right. There really is no magic pill, you just have to work on it.
Your prolapse won't burst from straining, but you will make it steadily worse with every push. That's why getting your constipation under control is very important.

You know, I am not a rich woman. It took me time to gather the materials I needed to help me from Christine's work. I saved my money and bought what I needed one thing at a time. Her books and DVDs were the best investment I have ever made.
Also, for the most part, this work is self help. Which means it is always good to do the researching on the forum and this site first, and then if there is still something you don't understand, come back and ask us.

I cannot agree more with what AG has written. We talk about constipation literally every day on this forum. In the time it's taken you to write your posts you could have read any number of conversations that we have, over and over again on here. If you are indeed using this forum as your sole source of information, then you cannot possibly have failed to notice that constipation is discussed again and again and again and again and again.

So please get going....educate yourself and get things under control. Your prolapse is not going to "burst" (but yes, you are making it worse) so clearly you have some learning to do.

I too acquired my collection of Christine's work one item at a time over a period of years. I started with the book, then the basic dvd, and went from there. Make a sacrifice. This is a priority, and it really isn't fair for you to expect to get all your knowledge from asking the women here to write everything out for you. We've all had to do this for ourselves. We aren't consultants, we're just women like you who have prolapse and busy lives and we want to help others find their way to this work. But you have to do it. Sorry if this sounds harsh. We are here to help women who are helping themselves. - Surviving

PS, I took some time to re-read your previous posts. Having done so, I feel justified in saying that you are trying to use this forum in a way it was never intended. Please get started on this posture work and THEN ask your questions.

Unsulfured Blackstrap Molassas is a great source of natural magnesium. You can put a few tablespoons in a warm cup of water and drink it or make a smoothy of it with other things you like. I struggle with this from time to time also and I know the panicky feeling, but I think that makes the problem worse. Try to relax. You can also massage your colon, starting at the right lower side of your body and go up and over and down. Sometimes that helps to stimulate movement. There is a magnesium supplement called nature calm, that you add to water or tea etc. Relax -it will pass-no pun intended!


I agree with Surviving about how best to optimize using this site. That said, what I've observed in my short time here is that it is sometimes fear that drives people to post. Totally understandable to me.

In my case, I experienced literal terror in my journey but I had already processed that and found a way to successfully cope with the fear...that sometimes still knocks...before I found this amazing community. For me the turnaround was learning to trust that what was going on in my body related to prolapse was not a threat. I still get unnerved sometimes at some of the sensations, but I know deep down that I've got this and learning from everyone's experience here just strengthens this confidence.

I'm hoping that your fear is slowly transforming into empowerment. Maybe it's just a whisper in you right now, but you've got this Starlightcrystals...steady on...


I have a significant prolapse I'm dealing with and cannot afford to let my bowels get congested with hard poo. I have had wonderful success first with a simple combination of a healthy diet filled with plenty of good veggies (raw, fresh, frozen in that order), fruits, and dark leafy greens for salads. Then every night I take 2 Phillips tabs (these are found in the fiber/laxative section). They are not stimulant laxatives, but magnesium. Along with this I take a stool softener (store brand variety). I also walk or bike ride everyday (2 miles) as even mild exercise helps keep things moving. I drink a decent amount of water everyday, and include limited whole grains (Ezekiel bread, steel cut oats), little wheat.

When I go to the bathroom, I do not stay there very long anymore (doing so actually aggravates my prolapse). I position by feet back beside the stool and sit in posture with a slight forward lean with my torso tall and straight, relaxing my belly. If things don't move, I get up and wait till later (but I have no problems going anymore since adding the Philips tabs). Hope this helps.

Thanks Cecilly, this is some great advice. For Starlight I'd probably recommend to do everything you've mentioned, except to hold off on the stool softener initially. Diet, exercise, magnesium and good toilet habits might be enough to keep things moving. - Surviving

I agree with surviving, getting our diets under control is the best thing we can do for our bowels, especially since everything is slowing down as we get older anyway. Keeping good rhythms in our digestion system now will only help us and can keep us from having severe issues in the later stages of our lives. Having worked in nursing homes and hospices, I saw first hand what the Standard American Diet does to the body, and it really isn't pretty. You are feeding them all this paste, and then giving them stool softeners and fiber drinks, and when that doesn't work, by the third day, they are getting milk of mag. And when that doesn't work, it is enema time, and by that time the stool is pretty solid, and we end up having to dig them out.
It was a vicious cycle I never want to go through.
Good diet, keep moving, drink plenty of water is the best start. If there are still problems, then start adding in alternatives.

Thanks Surviving,
As a peri menopausal woman, without a stool softener, even the magnesium and diet, etc. doesn't get my stool soft enough. So I have to include it or suffer! ;)

Hi Starlightcrystals,

That's exactly what happens to me - it comes down, I finally think it is going to happen, and then... *whoops* it goes back up again!

It's so frustrating, because in the end I have to get up off the toilet without going! :(

Regarding pushing - there are people on here who know much better than I do - but I think it is okay to push a bit to help it through your anus (or otherwise it would keep retreating forever!) However, I don't think you should sit and strain to try to force things to happen when they aren't ready to.


As Christine teaches.....when you need to increase pressure, lean forward and take some of your weight off the toilet seat, and keep lumbar curvature in place to protect the pelvic organs. OK to do this, but don't strain. - Surviving

I put my focus on lumbar curvature when things aren't going as fast as I'd prefer on the toilet. I do it mostly by softening my lower belly and really breathing into it. Frees everything up in a big way for me and avoids any need to strain.
