mid cycle issues


I always find myself about mid cycle, with pain or irritation throughout my pelvic region which I believe to be coming from my vagina/uterus. I check myself with PH strips and I am almost always alkaline. I know that the vagina is supposed to be acidic. I was also reading about natural progesterone creams and how you would apply those beginning around day 12. So I was wondering if all this means something about my hormone function. I would prefer to fix these issues with diet. Anyone have anything similar or suggestions. I am missing one ovary, don't know if that has an impact.

I took the progesterone cream on and off for a couple of years, mostly for early on peri menopausal symptoms, hot flashes etc. trying to balance things out, but I am not sure how helpful it really was or just a placebo affect.
It was around the time right before I found my prolapse and had raging perimenopausal symptoms that I ditched the cream and started changing everything, diet and exercise.