Rolfing for postural support


I'm having trouble with relaxing my abdomen. I saw on another thread that Christine hypothesised we prolapse ladies had a tight and twisted fascia under our post-childbearing tums! I wondered if anyone had had success with Rolfing as a means of better getting into posture, or for general prolapse support? I know it's supposed to free habitually-acquired tensions and distortions in the fascia.


Hi FiveMinutesPeace,
Practicing WWP & belly breathing will be a constant reminder to relax your belly.
Christine's DVDs & online exercise programs are so holistic that doing them ( even if it's just the belly new kegel exercises at this time) will restore the fascia muscles to where they were once.
Initially I did find it difficult to hold up my chest and belly breathe, but now it along with holding the posture is so much easier, relaxing, energy conserving, centering & spiritual.
My last child was born 16 yrs ago, and the last few months of doing the DVDs suddenly my tummy button which was stretched etc, has tightened so that I can barely put my little finger in gently & it looks smaller too.... that was a very pleasant surprise for me - I can now belly breath with ease and my abdominal wall is firm and strong when standing in the posture...
I do look at other methods to see what they are about, however I have found that Christine's approach addresses just about everything a woman needs for holistic health...
Wishing you well, this is a wonderful journey,
Aussie Soul Sister

Safelyheld-so glad to see you are still around!

Thank you Aussie Soul Sister for your mention of the belly button. I've spent a long time on posture and breath and have 'felt' firmer in my lower abdomen despite it having the 'womanly shaping', but I had noticed that my belly button had changed too. Having had lots of surgeries, many done via laproscope (apologies for spelling!) through my navel, and 2 pregnancies it was 'bent out of shape'. It's looking so different and I hadn't noticed until reading your post. Feeling quite smug right now :)