cervical prolapse in pregnancy


I'm glad I found this forum. huh what a relief! it seems everything I'm searching for is right here. Thank God.
I am 33 weeks pregnant and I experienced a bulging out of my vagina it was small at first and it has been increasing in size with every little activity I do. When it was small my doc said it was cervical elongation that I need not to worry. weeks later it came out and it was bleeding and there was a feeling of heaviness and difficulty walking my back also ache; my doc then confirmed it was a cervical prolapse that I need a pessary support before I put to bed. The sight of the prolapse freaked me out. it was as big as a medium egg and it was red. My doc pushed it back and inserted a pessary I had relief for a day before I had bowel movement when the pessary came out and the prolapse was bigger and I was bleeding and some wetness that I thought my water has broken and is leaking but my doc confirmed that my cervix is still closed and baby is fine. When I lie down it shrink (prolapse)and goes God knows where. So I replaced the pessary and I was fine but I had to lie down most of the time as my doc recommended.
My question is will vaginal birth be possible with this big thing between me.
Will I always use a pessary to support me or will the prolapse go away if I put to bed
How long will I live with a prolapsed cervix
Is that leaking due to my cervix been out or is my water leaking.???
I'm looking forward for your answers,comments because I need them soon... I'm so confused. Thank you all:-*

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