Another thought on feet and dance


Just wanted to jump in here for a second and add to the many wonderful posts that have recently been discussing areas 'south' of prolaspse ;)..knees, feet, toes, etc
Among so many other things, WWW has helped me learn to scrutinize my body from a very different vantage point than we, as women, are taught to scrutinize our bodies. I've learned to look at it from a mechanical point of view in order to access what is really working and what isn't working- rather than the ever elusive vanity/superficial perfection point of view. While I've had *plenty* of areas that weren't working well (but are getting better! :) one of the areas that does work well are my feet/toes. Because I was a stellar student of the suck/tuck routine for so many years, the only thing I can attribute this to is the many many hours spent over my formative years on my toes as a dancer (specifically ballet, not pointe). Of course I was doing the obligatory tuck of the bum, feet ever turned out so I could be identified as a dancer on the street (or mistaken for a duck as the case may be;), regardless, as my young body was growing and developing, so much of my youth was dancing, and up on my toes. To this day, I still have a lovely arch in my feet. I do not as yet have bunions. And, I LOVE the dance aspect of WW! Even though it has been many years since I took dance lessons, I have a great deal of muscle memory that have made doing Christine's dance moves almost feel like second nature. I did so many things wrong, or counter productive to developing and maintaining a healthy functioning body over the years, but the years of dancing up on my toes was so right and I can't thank Christine enough for bringing that back into my life! Such joy! It's just one more testament to how 'right on' her WWW is. Just amazing. Thank you!- truly gr8ful

Hi gr8fl,
Lovely post! It is interesting how we all approach these dvds differently, but end up with the same wonderful feelings and positive affects from doing them.
I didn't have any dance background at all, and I found the first aid for prolapse strange and difficult. Yes, I admit that I really didn't care for it, but I beleived so much in the message that I stuck with it. As I always say, so glad I did! I find such benefit from these movements.
Don't get me wrong, the yoga dvds were easier for me to acclimate to, but I have come to love all of them!!

I would put myself somewhere in the middle of you two. I didn't study any dance as a child, but did take beginning adult ballet classes for awhile in my 20's and really loved it. It helped me develop some hip turnout that I was very much lacking, and I could feel myself moving more gracefully as I went throughout my day. Of course I was well past my formative years at that point, and only did a little more of this later on, in my 50's. If I were still doing it, I would have stopped the classes eventually, because of the suck-and-tuck approach. But I love the moves, and I guess I find myself equally drawn to the ballet and the yoga approaches. I very much needed Christine's footwork, and it has benefitted me greatly. - Surviving

So sweet about your dh. Reminds me of LM Montgomery's female characters in many of her stories who always had exquisite ankles, with men falling head over heels in love with them ^^
Always made me painfully aware of my very wide very long very practical feet ;)

What is www? I'd love a dance video that supports proper posture! I'm a newbie here and am trying to soak it all in. I can't get enough of these success stories!