ponytail idea for activeandlapsed


Al, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about your ponytail question, "How do you know which section of hair to pull up"? While I was lying on my back and going into posture, it occurred to me. Try this to see if it helps you feel it. Lie on the floor on your back and begin the steps: chin in, crown of head pulling up from the top, shoulders down and chest up Now, stay in posture and grab hair that is right where the back of your head touches the ground. It should be the bottom or the middle of your crown (as if your were wearing a very small beanie hat). Pull on it, the hair, and see if you can get your chin to come in/down and shoulders down, chest up and create your own slight traction of sorts, maybe exaggerate the posture slightly and play around with it until you feel that sweet spot of traction and length. See if you can feel/visualize the space being created between each vertebra of the cervical spine as you grow taller form this space. Now translate that to standing posture. Maybe you could put a ponytail holder on about a 2 inch radius of hair (or bigger/smaller whatever you prefer) while you are lying down so that you can pull up from it in standing posture.

Just a thought. Hope that works.

Remember also that Christine teaches an easy way to find the "sweet spot" - head tilted too far back and voice box feels strained; too far forward and it feels compressed. - Surviving

Yes. Good point s60!