

I have always noticed that I have a lot of flexibility in my joints but was surprised when my chiropractor said that my hip was slightly out of joint and saw some ligament issues. She described me as hyperflexible. Would the hips book and dvd help me to stabilize this?

Coming back to the alignment that developed through your childhood is the only reasonable response to dysplasia and hyperflexibility. When your lumbar curve is fully in place the balls of your femurs are being pressed down and into their sockets. I fully stand by the hips book and exercise program. Connective tissue is very subject to inflammation, which is best responded to with a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet.

Thanks, Christine! For quite a while I have also noticed clicking in my joints including my fingers, my jaw and hips. Is this linked to hypermobility? Could this predispose one to prolapse?

I am living proof that the hips program works - along with WWP which immediately stopped the debilitating painful beginning of hip concussion, when my hip instability would occur.

I am of the belief that the hips program is useful for anyone, for all over body strength, including upperbody - torso, arms, neck, balance & evenness between our two sides, and very importantly foot arch strength and restoration for balance from the feet upward.

Here is a link to my testimony.


wishing you all the best,
Aussie Soul Sister

Hi Wildstrawberry,

I don’t hear of it quite so much anymore, but a dozen years ago prolapse was often blamed on “connective tissue disorder.” A gynecologist or orthopedist still might tell you your hypermobility is a genetic disorder set in stone and out of your control. But I don’t see it quite that way.

The human body is strung together in a definite way, which is evidenced in how we develop though childhood. When you are in this alignment, all the ligaments that move your joints are “wound up”. When you live in ways that do not support this alignment, some tendons and ligaments become too short and others too long.

True connective tissue disorders do exist, but they are rare and serious as they affect the connective tissues of your eyes, heart valves, etc.

Connective tissue is also subject to inflammation and can become lax through an unhealthful diet. For example, sometimes I see unhealthy looking women whose earrings have pulled down large holes in sagging ear lobes.

Regarding disorders in general, I have developed a much longer view. Take alcoholism for example. Some people just have an inability to be moderate with alcohol, which seems to be written deep within their genetic code. But how did it get there?

The only explanation I find satisfying is that our behavior changes our genes. Not just in this lifetime, but over all our lifetimes. I have no intention of trying to talk about the Great Mystery here, only to say that through our everyday behaviors and habits we are co-creators with God. It is the only thing that makes sense. That is the reason for all our individual differences, talents, and infirmities. We create them.

I find huge freedom, power, joy, exhilaration, and extreme gratitude in knowing that I have that level of control over my own existence as a spiritual and evolutionary Being. I also know that not everything is within my control, and therefore I must develop Faith and Trust. I also know that we inherit gifts and liabilities from our parents and grandparents, which we must accept as Fate. Everything is changeable, no matter how long it takes.

My apologies if this isn’t the answer you expected. But I really have stopped believing in disorders that we don’t have a huge hand in creating for ourselves.

Blessings on the day,
