This Was Quite Interesting to Me


History of Pelvic Surgery/Check Out the Pessaries. (I cannot take credit for the 'surf' work)


Too bad Sim's "enraptured vision" didn't extend to prevention! I guess it was an evolution we had to go through, but it came from a long history of dissecting animals and when asepsis allowed these same "arts" to be applied to women (most early surgery was gynecologic surgery - still is) these guys went a little nuts. The Lefort operation they speak so highly of sutures the vagina closed. It's all so very eerie.
If only women could have known the true cost of corsets, modern birthing practices, upholstered furniture, refined food, "high" standards of living, and yes Jonathan, indoor plumbing!

Thanks, Sybille!


My stomach turns just thinking of those poor women. :(

Marlene in Milan I have had a complete (and necessary) hysterectomy in 2001. I had an anterior repair done in 2004 for bladder and vaginal prolapse. (The bladder repair failed and the vaginal support is only partially holding up.) I have tried several pessaries and simply cannot keep one in place. I also have a lot of discomfort with insertion and removal. My ob/gyn (a new one since I last contacted you) is willing to perform the LeFort procedure, but she thinks I am a bad surgical risk for anything more radical. I am a 72 year old widow, and have no plans for another marriage. My prolapse is so severe that I would be unable to perform sex anyhow. I also wear a Fembrace support garment which helps somewhat, but it is uncomfortable to wear excessively. I realize that this is a procedure with finality, but it appears that I have little choice in the matter. I also am told that urinary incontinence may be increased after closure. (I have no idea how much so, however). What can you (or anyone else)tell me about this procedure, and what would you advise? Thank you. Marlene in Milan. [email protected]

Marlene in Milan: Please see my reply to Sybille comment above, and send me your advice. Thank you. Marlene D. [email protected]

Marlene in Milan to Christine: Please read my posted comment to Sybille below and send me your advice about this LeFort procedure. I am desperate for an answer before my next appointment on November 9th. Thank you. Marlene in Milan. [email protected]