

Hello everybody,

Today while walking I had a slip and fall. Nothing too bad, thankfully, scraped knee and hand. However I don't think falling is particularly prolapse friendly! I seem to feel a little more bulgy than usual, although where I live it's the end of the day and that's when my prolapse feels more heavy anyway. I was able to continue my walk with no problem.

Anybody out there who felt their prolapse heavier after a fall?

TIA to all responders.



Lots of things we do throughout our day can send our organs in the wrong direction, certainly a fall could do that. The moment of a fall can cause our bodies to instinctively assume a position intended to protect whatever body part our brain thinks is most at risk as we go down.

Some extra jiggling and firebreathing and maybe some floor time down on hands and elbows will give some relief - or whatever you normally do when you are feeling heavy. Continuing your walk in excellent posture was a good move. - Surviving

Hi Surviving,

Thanks for responding and for the advice. I'll have to wait a bit before going down on my hands and knees since both knees got scraped after the fall and they're sore right now.

Dear sevilla555,
Wishing a speedy recovery for you!

Aussie Soul Sister

Hi Aussie,

Thanks for your good wishes. Thankfully I just got a few scrapes on my knees and now have bandaids on them and they're healing well. It could have been a lot worse and I'm grateful for that. Today I was back to my regular 2 hrs of daily walking and lovin' it! (in WW posture, of course) :P

Dear sevilla555,
So good to hear that you are on the mend!
I love walking too, though spend too much time on the net!
Did a little today which felt great!

Aussie Soul Sister