

Hello everyone,

I am 26 years old and 11 months postpartum with my second child after a VBAC. I have mild uterine/bladder/rectal prolapse and I want to have lots more children. My prolapse isn't really getting any better.

I was wondering what kind of exercises are ok for me to do (besides the WW DVDs obviously). I am pretty nervous to exercise because I don't want to make my prolapse worse or impede its progress in getting better.

I was wondering specifically what exercises are safe for perking up my breasts? Is it ok to do push ups or are they a no-no? I know that some exercises are off-limits so I was just wondering which chest exercises are ok to do.

Thanks so much!


Hi May - it really isn't so much about what you do, but how you do it. Any exercise (including WW workouts) will be good or bad for prolapse depending upon whether or not you are in Whole Woman posture, protecting your lumbar curvature, keeping those organs forward in the relaxed lower belly. If your abs are held tightly pulled in, you are creating the wrong kind of pressure, pushing the organs down and back into the vaginal space. So make sure you have understood the basics of posture, then build your exercise program from there. Really mindful walking in excellent WW posture is always great. Train yourself to stay in posture all the time.....that way, you're always working the right stuff as you go about your day. - Surviving

Dear may2,
WWPosture involves a strongly lifted chest and that in itself helps hold up our breasts.
I don't believe that push-ups will help with breast lift.
Having lived in WWP for a few years, the front of my chest is wider and my back is narrower.
The common problem in society of a widening back and the need for bra extenders at the back, may be indicative of modern slouchy posture.
I believe that my breasts are becoming more supported with WWP and exercises.
Exercises on the DVDs would be more beneficial than push -ups.

WWPosture walking as Surviving suggests, and the DVDs are whole body exercise - Christine's approach is holistic.
All the DVDs have great all over body exercises, however the hips DVD has been of particular help for me.

I recommend the hips DVD as it has an excellent upper body particularly torso, exercise section in a chair.

The next group of foot arch exercises can be done in full human extension, often with the baton, which strengthens the arms, and upper torso.

Many of those exercises can be found on other DVDs, though are done in other positions, and with not as many reps.

RELAXING the lower belly, belly breathing and strongly lifting the chest are key to pelvic organ support.
If the lower belly is not relaxed with ANYTHING we do, our pelvic organs will not be supported.
You will find that the WW approach completely holistic.

Hoping this helps,

Aussie Soul Sister