Whole Woman Posture


I`d like to share this with everyone. I live in Quebec where spring has just arrived. It`s maple syrup time here .....a beautiful time here with night temperatures well below freezing and day temps sunny and above freezing. I walk my dogs in the morning and lately there is a crust on the snow. In order to walk on the crust without sinking in I have to take care to distribute my weight evenly on my feet and try to make myself as light as possible by pulling up my chest , placing my head straight and yes relaxing my belly. Perfect Whole Woman Posture!. I can then walk off the path anywhere I want and enjoy my beautiful morning walk in the woods . So for you prolapsed Northern women who are practicing WWP try walking on top of the snow. I know you know what I mean. it really works.



Hi Steadele,
Lovely post! Your descriptions of the north country are so vivid that anyone could get a good idea what it is like living up north! We used to live in Upper Michigan for quite a few years and remember very well that spring time snow in the woods.
I always made my hubby walk a head of me, so I could walk in his foot steps. Hee hee!

Great post! Whole Woman posture once again proven to be the best and most stable way to hold ourselves, as we go through our day. - Surviving

Great post of your living proof that WW works!

Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister