"Total Mess"


I found Whole Woman site in 2007 when I found I have a cystocele and rectocele.
I have had very good results following the program. I will get lazy at times and have
what I call a relapse. But, I will check in on the site and read some of the forums and
and get back to what I needed to do.
I just turn 70 and so far it has not been good. I had a brownish discharge for several
days and went to my Gyn. Had a pelvic ultra sound which I believe moved the prolapse
around. I have not felt the same since then. My doctor wants to do a D&C or a culture.
I told her I was afraid to have either done because of the prolapse. The D&C would be a
lot of scraping and pulling and done as an out pt. the culture can be done in her office.
The reason for the procedure is the lining around the uterus is out of normal range (thickness) and she is checking for endometrial cancer. I had been on HRT for over 20 years. The other choice she gave me was to have the ultra sound done again next month.
I've decided to do the culture in July. I'm having colonoscopy and endo done this month.
Has anyone had a D&C or culture ? If so what was your experience?
I did search but did not find anything on the site. I'm hoping someone will respond.
Right now I'm a total mess worrying.
Thanks Maxxie

Hi Maxxie - I'm putting the topic of your inquiry into the subject line in hopes of getting the attention of any active members who might have similar experience.

If you and your doctor feel that a procedure is necessary to diagnosis a potential problem, then I think you have to weigh that against any possible discomfort that might follow. Sometimes prolapsed women do feel that something their doctor did was aggravating to their prolapse.....and oftentimes the things WE do to ourselves are too. Prolapsed organs are on the move all the time; we are always maintaining our pelvic organ support in the face of potential setbacks that can happen any time.

On the topic of a cancer scare.......I would discuss the hormones with your doctor and find out why she has had you taking these for 20 years.

Good luck with everything! - Surviving