Exercises/learning help please


HI - I have wandered around the site for a while and looked around and watched a lot of videos etc that are all telling me to learn the posture and buy buy buy.... but I cant find anywhere something to just simply show me the exercises/posture. Do I have to purchase something to get some lessons or some exercises on how to sit/stand and change my posture ? Because I simply do not have any money to spend and would like to try to see if I get some improvement before I scrape up the cash.... Can anyone shre links etc to show me ways I can start learning the posture and exercises pretty please.

Also I'm not really overweight (164cm/60kg's) but I tend to look a bit comically distended (even though Im not bloated, I look it) if I "relax my belly" which I've seen discussed as the way to get the posture... I think my body is sort of confused between relaxing it and pushing it out ..and finding hard to unlearn/let go of the old pilates/hold in your abs for good posture tendencies...is it possible to relax the bottom pelvic area but hold in the top abs or something? Ive got a fairly flat stomach when I stand normally...... hmmmm any tips people ??

Hi stillyoung - You absolutely positively will have to learn to relax your belly. That's how you give space to your organs. You can see the basics of posture here:


There is no shortcut to prolapse management and this is not a quick fix. It is a complete change and remolding of your body back to its original design. It happens over a period of months/years. Your success will depend largely upon your level of commitment and depth of understanding of the concepts that you can achieve by immersing yourself in Christine's works. There's plenty to read and watch in the meantime, while you are deciding whether or not to take the plunge. - Surviving

Hi, I am a similar height and weight to you. I do carry my weight on my bottom naturally and do not have excess weight on my tummy. I do have a bottom in WW posture (which I have learned to get used to). My tummy is not flat now but just a bit rounded it does not look pregnant. I relax it and pull up strongly through my chest. I still catch myself holding my abs in at certain times just over a year into this work but I am getting better and better. It's a relearning as S60 mentioned and like everything it takes time to become natural again. The moment I am out of WW posture I feel it in my prolapse so that helps me get back on track and to know how absolutely right Christine is.

I see S60 has put some great links above. To really learn the posture I did have to buy resources and read the book and watch and try the videos. This forum and website was also great with a lot of free resources but I found I needed the book along with 1st aid for prolapse for really bringing it all together. Everyone is different though. I would start with the book and 1st Aid for Prolapse when you can and all the info on this site including the blog. It's a bit like a puzzle with all the bits falling into place over time.

Best of luck - you'll get used to your new body and find the straight look strange and uncomfortable in time.