my news re : helpfull practitioners?



I wrote last week that i had some interesting news and i started a post to describe what i'd found out and just wanted to run it past you Christine (first without naming names), to make sure you think it's ok and see whether you think we should get into discussing people who say they can help us.

I've been looking into Traditional chinese medicine excercise, such as Qi gong (a health orinted chinese movement practice) and body-work such as chinese abdominal massages and when doing this rang around the practitioners in Canada (where i am) to ask about their experiences with treating prolapses if they had any.

From this i talked to some people who said they had clients with prolpases.

One very nice man involved in Qi gong and chinese abdominal massage talked to me for a long time about his work and how he thought it could be helpfull in non-severe cases to reverse things or at least maintain them.

He also thought it was possible that if there was interest from women who had prolapses in toronto he could fly down and teach a few days down in toronto.He also said he passes on all his severe prolapse cases to a lady he called "the best body-worker in north america", so i gave her a ring.

She seemed lovely and also talked to me for a long time on the phone - even thought i told her she was too far for me to visit (she's in calgary canada and i'm in toronto). She said she reversed her elderly mothers severe uterine prolpase in three months and others in six months.She said she did this with techniques from rolfing and qi gong and other modalities. And she recommended books for me to check out for myself on this subject that she recommends her prolpase clients.

Another lady wrote to me saying that her chinese bodywork was able to reverse bladder prolpases in "a few minutes", i think she was in new mexico or california (i'll have to get out that psot). I asked her to ask her clients to post to this group because we'd all be very interested in these experiences or for her to do so or i could if she had testimonials and she posted me on a testimonial and said i could send it on.

For me the testimonial was wishy washy nothing black and white like "wow you reversed my prolapse". Plus i was sceptical that all these women somewhere had their prolpases reversed in MINUTES and we hadn't somehow heard of it..

So what i wondered is - Do i pass on the names of the people above and let people in their vicinity check them out?

Best wishes
