What brings me here


Hello WW friends,
I find myself in need of this community. I've been working on this prolapse for 20+ years. My first major symptom I remember is how the usage pattern on my tampon was odd. Only one side of the tampon was used. It took me a while to figure out it was because the tampon was going alongside my cervix rather than up against it.

Then (about 15 yr. ago) at one of my gyny appointments, as the pelvic exam began, the doctor suddenly threw up his hands and said, "Your uterus has fallen and you need a hysterectomy!" This scared me. I grabbed my panties and ran.

My cervix has gradually gotten lower and lower, but there have been no major symptoms other than the occasional "tampon falling out" feeling.

I am 64 years old and have tried to remain active. I walked, ran, lifted weights, did bar bell dead lifts, enjoyed a kettle bell class, weighted hula hoop, and bought something new this year, a high quality mini trampoline. About 6 months ago, I noticed a continual urge to urinate throughout the day, with not much coming out. At first, I thought I had a UTI (which I have never, to my knowledge had), but my gut told me that wasn't what it was. Then I noticed my cervix was lower, protruding out. I knew then the prolapse was worse and it had engaged my bladder.

I had recently begun, after the first of the year, increasing my trampoline jumping. I now feel the trampoline may have caused the worsening of my prolapse. I immediately stopped all exercise, not knowing what to do, and so scared. After reading on this forum, I have begun adding back exercise--walking mostly, occasionally climbing steps (bleachers) in the park, and weighted hula hoop.

As I began my research, I came across "Change your posture, change your proplape." Change your....posture?? This immediately caught my attention. I have been concerned about my posture for years. Even last year, as I caught a reflection of myself, I couldn't believe how bent over I was. Trying to straighten up, it felt like I was being continuously pulled down by something. I did the best I could to straighten my posture, but it didn't help much.

I ordered the First aid for Prolapse package and got the DVD and the baton, which is beautiful. I have no doubt these posture movements are helpful to my body. This has given me the instruction and motivation on how to help correct my posture, and hopefully my prolapse, for which I am thankful. However, I have never been flexible, and find some of the movements difficult. Sitting straight-legged on the floor in a 90 degree position is hard for me, nor can I sit back on my heels (never could). So I adjust as I can.

I have many questions, but wanted to first introduce myself, so I can participate in the forum. I have no official current diagnosis. This worsening of my prolapse came between annual checkups. I was going to make a special gyny appointment, but after perusing this site, the time has gone by, so I will wait untill my next scheduled annual exam, which is next month.

Meanwhile, I am continually trying to work on the WW posture. Since this had become a lengthy post, I will post questions separately.

Thank you, friends.

Hi Take2 and welcome to Whole Woman and this great forum. As you have already discovered, exercise and activity is either good or bad for prolapse, depending on your posture. So the same types of things that may have aggravated or contributed before, can be perfectly fine if you correct the way you sit, stand and move as you go throughout your day. So, study up, dive right in, ask your questions here. This work is so empowering, and just getting started will change your outlook! - Surviving