Bladder/Lower Abdominal Sensations


Hi all, I've been here before. I'm about 17 mo post-partum now and lately/for some time I've noticed this nearly constant "feeling" in my lower abdomen/bladder region. It almost feels like it extends internally from just near my clitoris, up to just above my bladder. It's a hard sensation to describe, not a pain, but it's just "there." I feel the area, like energy. Like I feel my internal workings when I shouldn't feel them. Just today I had the thought that maybe it's mild bladder spasms? Just today I started googling. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this feeling too. I've been attributing it to my "prolapse issues," but now I wonder if it's related or something entirely different. I might ask a GYN doctor about it. I feel like my anterior bulge has gotten a lot better over the past year but I still feel sagginess in there and I do feel like my urethra is dropped a bit. I also think I have mild rectocele but it must be mild, too. I don't have any problems peeing or pooping (that makes me think it's mild). This abdominal sensation is just the latest mystery. I've always felt a vague "lack of support" feeling as part of my prolapse symptoms (along with feeling distinct pressure/bulges in the vaginal region). The lack of support feeling is a very internal, abdominal feeling and, like I said, it's extremely difficult to describe or even localize. I notice it when I bend down for something and stand back up, and when I try to carry something with any weight, such as a basket of dirty laundry or a box or my ~22 lb toddler. I've been very good at keeping a very relaxed belly and lately I've been focusing more on lifting my chest and tucking my chin because there's some fine tuning I need to do there. I feel much more 'supported' when i really lift my chest. Otherwise my belly seems a little too/unnaturally distended. And those sensations... (?) Sorry for the rambling post but just wanting to know if this is something other women have felt. Feel free to ask questions if i should clarify something..

Hmmmm, not sure. Hopefully some PP moms will comment. This could just be a normal progression of your healing, and you are hyper aware. You use the word "energy" and maybe this is something that you ARE supposed to be feeling. What happens when you get down on hands/knees, does it change? It is pretty hard for any of us to carry a basket of laundry in good WW posture, so if you are losing some lumbar curvature when you do that, your organs are going to fall back a bit. I'm not sure this is a question for a GYN but then again, you can't go by me, I don't have any questions for any GYN! It sounds to me like you are doing fine. If you are still tweaking posture and still have a little ways to go before it becomes quite automatic, then just concentrate on that and don't over-analyze. These are just my own rambling thoughts and probably not a helpful answer for you. Only you can decide if this is something that you need a GYN's opinion on. But I don't think you'll get any satisfaction or useful information from that camp. - Surviving

I am sometimes aware of something similar to what you are describing. I am not exactly in your demographic though, since I am roughly 24 years post-partum! Nevertheless, I relate to your description of mild cystocele and rectocele.

The time when I am most likely to be aware of sensations there is when I wake up with a full bladder. It seems like the whole zone is kind of numb in a way, from lack of motion and fullness, and it can take me a while of being on foot and moving before it's easy to pee.

The sense of being constantly and uncomfortably aware of my internal parts has been somewhat relieved by the use of honey 2x/day.

Sometimes I think this process of having these discomforts, then actively working on correcting our alignment, posturally, wakes us up in a way to every little pelvic zone sensation (or the area known, in qigong, as the "uterine palace," a term I like.)

Hi first time mama,
So wonderful that your posture is coming along! Sometimes we do need a little tweaking or help along the way though. If you try getting down on knees and forearms and do some belly rolls, or even agood round of firebreathing, and then see if the sensation goes away, it may very well be related to prolapse.
If that's the case, along with your posture work, which is always, you could add in Christine's second wheel yoga DVD. I know when I do that one, I always feel rather lifted vaginally. It's a nice feeling, but then all of her work gives me a great feeling throughout my body.

How do you do belly rolls , I have a hard time breathing in the lower belly, without my top stomach outage well? Thought
S thanks

Your midriff, top of stomach should be coming out with the in breath, not just the lower belly. Its chest breathing that we should not be doing.

Christine does demonstrate many of the techniques mentioned on the forum in her DVDs and other videos. Sometimes viewing these things can make more sense than describing them on here. It's her work, and she shows us best how to do it.

Thanks aging gracefully I do have the prolapse DVD . I don't know where I read about the lady feeling that when she walked she felt like achicken withe the belly out and the butt . I guess that is not what tobe feeling?
when getting into posture are still supposed to feel your l curve, as I may trying to lift chest up maybe to much , and sometimes I get tired or have to strait of back, I can't get what I want to sY right sorry

Thanks, what video does that have in it

I know the second wheel yoga DVD does have the belly rolls in part of the exercises. It is kind of like the nauli demonstrated in the First Aid for Prolapse without the stomach vacuum, so take another look at that. Some of the other videos probably show it too, but I can't remember where.

Take your time with all this, and go over the book and DVD often, as you will learn new things all the time from them.

I am having the same issue, did yours ever resolve? It feels like my clitoris is being stimulated and it's very uncomfortable! Is that what you were feeling? I have been having bladder issues for a few weeks now and now this weird sensation. I am absolutely miserable about it all.