New DVD for Post-Hyst


Just wondering where the new Post-Hyst DVD will be located. (I think Christine stated they are trying to have it ready by the end of February.) I've put my name on the list for notification.

Just in case it's finished earlier than thought, I've been checking over in the Store. So, I imagine that when they're finished, it will be up in the "Individual Books & DVDs" section in the Store?

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I'm still wondering which Yoga DVD would be the best for P-H. I thought I read a suggestion that the 1st Wheel would be the best .... any disagreement with that plan --- to get the 1st Wheel, first --- and then see how it feels before moving on to the others?'

Hi back in time,
Lanny will let us know when the new video comes out and in what format it will be in, hopefully will be soon.

Any and all of Christine's works wether from the book, online courses, or DVDs have the purpose of lengthening and strengthening our muscle groups into posture, so really, just look around and choose what looks good to you. Of course, as we have said many times, you post hyst gals are going to have to be more gentle with yourselves while attempting them.
As a progression and learning experience for me, I went with First Aid for Prolapse first, because it has so much demonstrative materials in it to get anyone just starting this work familiar with not only how to get into posture, but also how to move through your day and activities you are persuing. Kind of like the training wheels DVD, I would say.
I really like all the yoga DVDs. They are done with such nice stretching sequences that you get a overall body well being feeling, as well.

Even when I first started this work, I had to slow myself down and just take each new thing I learned more slowly and thoughtfully, because in the beginning, I was frantic to just get things going. It's not a race, and if it was, the tortoise does win in the end anyway.

Aging Gracefully - thanks for your reply and info!! I've always felt right at home among the Tortoise Groups. :)

So, First Aid for Prolapse is an intro to it all. I'll re-read about it in the Store. I just don't want to spend time and money reading about things that no longer apply to me (as in reading about what I no longer have). See .... head in the sand -- I'm fitting in like a tortoise. lol

Sounds like the FAP DVD is OKay and would apply pretty much to my situation. So, I'm making an outline of what to get and when. Thinking I will start with the Post-Hyst product first. Then budget in from there.

Thanks, again, for your time and for all the great info!

Back in time, I believe that the post-hyst product will probably be an on-line course, as that seems to be the platform on which the last few products have been released.

I do agree that the book and FAFP DVD are the basic references for the WW work, though I think you will want to use them in conjunction with the post-hyst course, because they do not focus on post-hyst as the new course will. I feel that anyone doing this work needs to have a "library" of resources at their disposal. First Wheel definitely the place to start yoga-wise.

If you are getting the e-mail bulletins and if you are signed up for advance notice, then you will find out as soon as the rest of us. Good luck! - Surviving

Hi I hope to get my DVDs and the book, soon maybe in other week . But till then I been reading as much as I can absorb, I'm 63 and can't remember crap sometimes. But I don't if I'm doing this right, I try to keep reminding myself the position and breathing, because I'm. Noticing a little sometimes a ache in the middle of back and at the top I quests of the shoulders. So when you let your shoulders relax, I try to breathe in through my nose so the stomach,or midriff bulge is goes a Out and then inhale back through nose while thestomach comes back in towards the back. Is that right? The how do you , do chest lifted without your shoulders lifting? When standing I try and keep my chin slightly down .how do you you apply this to bending over , or down to pick up something? I trying bend at the hip over and one leg out straight when picking something up, thanks for any ideas

Yes - relax the belly, then lift your chest, while keeping shoulders down and relaxed (not pulled back military-style). Breathe in and out of the belly/midriff - do not expand the chest as you breathe (this reversal of natural breathing is result of us being taught to tighten and suck in our bellies). Don't try to over-analyze every move right now; work on posture and work with the materials when they arrive, it will come gradually. You will have to keep reminding yourself all the time, but it becomes second nature after awhile. - Surviving

I want to check in with my favorite women in the whole world to let you know how the Saving the Post-Hysterectomy Woman project is coming along. Obviously the title is very ambitious, but I would not have set out on the journey if I hadn’t intended to do just that! We filmed much of it back in December and it is indeed filled with the best of WW knowledge, insight, and solutions.

However, I found myself praying and praying for another order of magnitude of healing medicine specifically designed for the post-hysterectomy woman. Perhaps I’ve told you before that I often feel like I’m “channeling” this work. Well, it has happened again! The higher-healing came to me and I cannot wait to share it with you!

We’re hoping to finish filming this week, and then Lanny must edit the entire program. He’s been working day and night on getting the WW message out to the world. It really is such astonishing work. I spoke to a woman this morning who is having spectacular results reversing urinary incontinence, prolapse, and 8-years of chronic hip pain with this work. She has spent thousands of dollars on doctors and PT, all to no avail, and expressed such sweet gratitude for WW. I am filled with gratitude too, and never forget that I’m simply a conduit through which the work is flowing.

Thank you all for being here with me.


Christine -- Thank you so much for taking time out to give us an update!! Your work and website and products are all such a blessing!

Well, my granddaughter called this morning and informed me she is out of school tomorrow and Friday for parent-teacher conferences. I'm the primary babysitter, so it looks like I won't be finishing filming this week. Next week is looking good, hoping for the best. *

Eternal gratitude for what You and Lanny are doing!

Much love from Down Under,

Aussie Soul Sister

Thanks to Christine's Whole Woman book and DVD's, my midline cystocele has improved by mainly correcting my posture and exercise. I will be 66 in April. My hysterectomy was 10 yrs. ago. It was to have fixed my bladder prolapse. It failed. In January 2016, I saw a Urogynecologist who advised either a native tissue repair or abdominal mesh repair. Fortunately I actually tried the Whole Woman posture and exercicse. I am much more hopeful now. I don't post to forums much and don't know if this second attempt will be visible shortly. Please excuse me if this is a duplicate post.

Hi amy - In your first post recently, you had asked about pelvic tilts in the Goddess Belly workout. You never mentioned that you were post-hyst. It's important because pelvic tilts are one of the moves that Christine sometimes cautions women about, if they have had hyst or other repairs where there might be sutures affected. So please be gentle. Glad things are going well! We know this work is the best thing available for post-hysterectomy, but we need to hear from more of you! New post-hyst video coming out soon. Thanks for writing. - Surviving