Pessary for prevention of uti after sex


I have a POP and slight recotocel. Started getting frequent uti after sex.
Have tried everything natural to prevent and now resorting to antibiotics after sex. My nurse practitioner suggested to try a Pessary just during sex to prevent trauma to my bladder. Just trying to find a solution. Does anyone else have experience with this?

Have you been completely emptying your bladder before having sex? Any residual urine in your bladder may be the problem here. Tipping forward on the toilet or going on all fours in the shower are great ways to get a complete emptying of the bladder.

Also drink plenty of water. Some ladies like to take cranberry pills, increase anti-inflammatory foods, and lots of other preventative measures that have been mentioned here on the forum. Just type uti in the search box.

My healthcare provider a wonderful nurse practitioner is thinking that perhaps my bladder from my cystocel hanging down is being traumatized during penetration and that wearing a Pessary during intercourse will prevent this by holding my bladder up and out of the way.

Generally during sex, the penis moves our pelvic organs easily out of the way. Sometimes we have to be a little creative in positioning if some positions are uncomfortable. I also have a cystocele and a severely prolapsed uterus, and have found sex to be very beneficial in getting things moving in the right direction.

I do remember when I was younger that I would get repeated yeast infections after sex, and was told to make sure he was washed up before we had sex. That did do the trick for that anyway.

You may have more of the unhealthy bacteria being forced into your urethra during sex also. The use of honey inserted vaginally can help rebuild the good bacteria.

If you want to try the pessary during sex, that's fine too, if it prevents Utis. I am just not sure if knocking around the bladder causes Utis. Maybe others will have more insight in this area.

Let us know how things turns out for you.

Can u tell me a little. More about inserting honey and it's,benefits? Thank you!

Sure. I first found out about honey from Christine herself on the forum. She has found the many benefits of honey, including inserting it vaginally for dryness, and for the healing properties that it has. It is best to use raw local honey from the area that you live in. Start by putting just a dab on your finger and inserting it high up into the vagina once or twice a day. There it will feed the natural lactobacilli that live there. They also travel to the urethra and anus for better health in these areas also.

To learn more about honey and other ladies experiences just type it into the search. There has been a very positive response about it here on the forum.

I used some local honey I had in the cupboard tonight.
I think it makes a lot of sense.

First, let me say that I second, third, and fourth the honey recommendations. I had no idea about that until I learned it here.
When it comes to recurring utis, I know a little. I lost my first husband, slowly, to Young-onset Alzheimers when I was in my 40s, so when I became sexually active again at 51, new husband, it was honeymoon cystitis all over again. Especially given menopause on the horizon (now behind me.)

D-mannose is a simple sugar in powder form, and you can buy it from Amazon, health food stores, or vitamin shops.
It works better than antibiotics, without the nastiness of antibiotics, and can be used to treat and (most importantly) prevent utis safely. You mix a heaping teaspoon in a little water before and after, but especially after, sex. That's all! It is clinically shown to work as well as antibiotics, and it's barely metabolized by your body, so you're not taking a sugar hit.

Rather than cut and paste, I will link to a blog I wrote about d-mannose, here:

This is one of the clinical studies that demonstrates its effectiveness:

Thank-you for the links. I did read them. I have tried d mannose but did not use as much as you have called for. I used the little scoop that came with it. I doubt if it was a teaspoon. I will try it again. Applied my honey this morning too!

I am thinking about purchasing this DVD. Has anyone seen it? Can you tell me a little bit about it?

Yes, I have it. What I love about Christine's studies and methods is that she uses natural ingredients from the earth. This is a very insightful DVD and has many tips for better vaginal health. Christine has actually suffered from lichen sclerosis herself, so she has put much thought into finding remedies for this as well as all over body health.

Hi fern - here is a thread I started 3 years ago when the DVD first came out. It will give you more detail about what it covers. A definite must-have. - Surviving

So I just watched the DVD on maintaining vaginal health. Can someone please explain the benefits of the cotton ball with vinegar and water swipe? I'm understand and using the raw honey already.

The vinegar is used for vaginal itching, usually from fungal infections.

I don't see it in the store. Is it sold out?