website video issues on iPads


hi all,

due to a bug in iOS, the operating system for iPads and iPhones, we've restricted video access on these devices. this only affects the interview videos and the WW101 and pelvic orientation videos. any purchased online videos should not be affected. this should only be a temporary issue until Apple issues the next iOS update. they do not publish an update schedule, so we don't know how long this restriction will be in place.

we are transitioning our video delivery from one vendor to another and some of the free videos on the WW site may be impacted for a time. thanks for your patience. the forum shouldn't experience any impact from this.

you who visit and post on the forum are a constant source of inspiration for us. your commitment to self-care and doing the whole woman work illustrates what can happen when we take responsibility for our own health. keep up the good work!

christine's DH