23 year old with uterine prolapse, please help!


So I am new to this forum and just need some reassurance/guidance. I just found Whole Woman and I am really hoping it will work for me.

I am 23 years old and have a prolapsed uterus. I have never had sex and this has made me even more self conscious and scared to do so. My prolapsed uterus is not severe, I'd say my cervix is about halfway down my vaginal canal. It just makes me so embarrassed and ashamed of my body, because this shouldn't be happening to someone my age who has never given birth, never even had sex. I have never been overweight, I've always been quite slim. I guess from reading all the information on here it must have been caused by my poor posture, my parents have always told me to stand up straighter. Having said that though, I do have quite a pronounced lumbar curve, my lower back curves in quite a lot, which is how it should be from what I understand and have read on here, but correct my if I'm wrong.

Everything else that I've read about prolapse says to do Pelvic floor exercises (not kegels, as these make the prolapse work) and I even purchased a book on these pelvic floor exercises but they haven't really helped at all. After I finish doing them it feels as though my uterus is going to fall down even further, like the muscles are too tired to hold it up. Everything I've seen also says that prolapse cannot be cured without surgery, and doing exercises will not make it better or reverse it but can stop it from getting worse.

There's also been a lot of information saying that many exercises that I do regularly make prolapse worse (squats, most abdominal exercises, exercises involving jumping) and I am really active person but have stopped doing these in hopes of preventing my prolapse from becoming worse, which has made me even more self conscious about my body.

Reading this forum has given me hope and I haven't purchased anything from Whole Woman yet as it quite expensive and I am still at university so I don't have much cash to spare. I've always been so self conscious about my body on the outside, so to discover this made me feel even worse. Not only did I have to worry about what I look like on the oustide, but also how I look and feel on the inside. I don't just want to prevent my prolapse from getting worse, I want it go away completely. Someone my age shouldn't even have it in the first place. I guess I just want some help with where to start, is it possible to reverse my prolapse and does Whole Woman really work?

Sorry this was very long, I am too embarrassed to talk about this with anyone I know. If you read it, thank you every much for taking the time!

Hi Lucy and welcome to Whole Woman. We have a great community here, and hopefully we can answer all your questions and put your mind at ease.

How did you come to the conclusion that you have a prolapsed uterus? Is it because you can feel your cervix? I was never one to poke around, so at your age I don't know where my cervix was, but wherever it was, I would probably have assumed that was my normal. You don't mention any other symptoms. Have you been checking the position of your cervix and find that it changes? This is perfectly normal.

Traditional "pelvic floor exercises" ARE kegel-based, so I'm not clear what types of exercises you are describing. But if you are in correct Whole Woman posture, then walking, running and even jumping are fine. Abdominal "core" work is to be avoided, and if you are doing a lot of that, please stop. You can feel what these do to your insides.

It sounds like you've done a lot of research, but unfortunately most of what you've studied and read in your other books is just plain wrong. That's not an easy message to hear, but at least you have found your way to the truth. Whether or not you have a prolapse now, most women do end up with some degree of prolapse eventually, so don't wait around, grab the opportunity!

There is no "cure" for prolapse, and surgeries basically ruin the pelvic organ support system. So keep reading here. If funds are low, I would recommend starting with the First Aid for Prolapse DVD. - Surviving

Hi Lucy233,
Welcome to WW!
Surviving has just about covered all your Q!
The link to the New Kegels video, with the posture written on the right hand side of the page is


To get you started so that you feel you are doing something, you could do the video and practice the posture for it and in everyday living.
The posture is THE WW fundamental, and as I wrote to Rachy the other day on this forum, work on that first as the foundation to everything you do.
Walking in WWP is great overall exercise and also an abdominal exercise in itself as it helps restore the muscles and fascia which support the pelvic organs.

As you study Christine's approach, you will eventually be able to discern what is not helpful and helpful - her approach covers jumping, running and she also teaches us in the 1st Wheel DVD a full parallel squat which is done on toes...most conventional yoga and lunges/ squats teach leaning back on the heel, not good for the whole body, internal organs and alignment of the skeleton and hip joints.
A big part of WW is that we learn to love and work with our bodies and be more confident...It also teaches us to listen to our intuition and what our bodies are telling us....
I see what happened to me and finding Christine's work a blessing beyond anything I could have dreamed....it allows me to dream now and achieve....

Wishing you well,
Aussie Soul Sister

I'm 67, I have maybe a stage one prolapse not protruding. I had a bladder lift and a partial hysterectomy about 15 yrs ago. Intercourse is now quite painful. I thought this DVD would have more information about the post menopausal woman. Christine talks about unprocessed local honey being the best medicine for the Vagina. Nothing was said about the best method for applying it. How is it best applied? Also is there a better dvd for my condition that I might trade this one for?

I would recommend the Vulva-Vaginal Health DVD:


You might also want to do some reading on the forum and blog. We talk about these things all the time. Use the search box to look for posts on honey. - Surviving