Scared,frustrated,can't stop crying..ughh


So in Jan I was treated for a UTI, again end of March... Three weeks ago another lot of antibiotics but nothing helped the pressure I was feeling... Last Friday I lifted a little one and that's where the pressure changed to feeling like I had a tampon in wrong... Went to emerg as I couldn't get rid of the feeling and it was making me nauseated.. Dr did an internal and ultra sound nothing found just go to your family Dr... By yesterday I was back at emerg as I couldn't sleep, couldn't get comfortable... Another ultra sound nothing found apart from fatty liver so another internal done this time this Dr made me cough and said oh you have a level 1/2 prolapse.. Nothing we can do right now go get pelvic physio and see your family Dr to go see a gyn Dr... In the meantime I crying with all these crazy thoughts running through my head! I have to work which is child care so have to lift , I can't quit my job as that pays the bills... I can't stop crying as my hubby and I had just planned our first trip away in 12 years to Vegas where we have never been, first time leaving our son to celebrate our15th wedding anniversary and finally get a belated honeymoon... I am now laying in bed after taking the day off to process Everythjng crying and all I can feel is this horrid feeling that I am scared will never go away, be made worse by the work I do, I'm going to end up with a hysterectomy which will lead to more issues and how the heck am I going to enjoy my vacation what if all the walking makes it drop to a 3/4 .... Ughhh sorry for rambling I just feel so alone and scared..,

Hello ktdaiwik and welcome,
First of all, take a deep breath. Prolapse is not a emergency situation, although it may feel that way at first. I remember being in a panic when I first found mine, did a lot of web searching from there, and then found this wonderful site.
What you will find here is the best way to manage prolapse holistically and noninvasively. Surgery is not the solution for prolapse. Christine discusses this extensively in her book Saving the whole woman.
Start out by watching the video on the home page where Christine explains what you are going through and what to do about it.
Also, you may want to look at the self exam to get better acquainted with what kind of prolapse you may have:

This is a wonderful site, and Christine Kent has brought us the best way to deal with prolapse, so make a nice cup of tea, settle in, and do some reading here. It is eyeopening information.

Thank you so much it all seems very overwhelming especially the not knowing what is going on till I can get into an appt with a gyn... Am off to find the video and try and look at that self exam link! Right now am just trying to get through the icky feeling down below sorry if that's TMI

Oops! Sorry, the video is not on the home page at present, so go to resources, and then the whole woman videos.

Am off to look for it again! Ty for pointing me in the right direction! This is hard being 44 , not having a mum around as she passed 6 years ago, none of my friends have experienced this ... Oyyy but it's time I take care of this body!!

No more rushing to the emergency room, OK? This is a very manageable condition that affects most women eventually. You may not think you know anyone with prolapse, but you do, it's just that they aren't discussing it with you. Hysterectomy is the absolute worst recommendation anyone can make to a prolapsed woman. So just relax, start learning about the posture, and with effort and commitment you will soon be getting on with your life, without the fear that you are feeling now. You owe it to yourself and your family to get the tears out of your system as soon as you can, and start addressing this constructively. It seems like a huge big deal now. We've all been through that moment of discovery and panic. It doesn't last. - Surviving

Not sure what happened with thise replies :(