New here and feel desperate


Dear WW ladies,

This is my first time writing here, although I am not new to the Whole Woman work. I found this site over a year ago, after entering menopause and having my almost thirty-year prolapse symptoms all of the sudden worsen.
I am 58, have 4 grown up children, all born around 8-9 pounds, all vaginal births with episiotomy.
I noticed my first prolapse symptoms after my second son was born, but my OB/GYN did not take me seriously. I was told to do kegels and not bother about it. I had so little knowledge back then…
Over the years my symptoms (dropped bladder, small bulge descending to the entrance of the vagina just before my period) were rather steady, but then I entered menopause, at 56, and things started to exacerbate. I have a HUGE bulge hanging down, and was diagnosed by my current OB/GYN as having a severe cystocele and also uterine prolapse, and sure enough was told that surgery is my only option.
I have always led a healthy lifestyle. I am not overweight, and have been vegetarian and then vegan for the last forty years. I lead a life as close to natural as possible when living in the city. I do not opt for surgery, I do believe with all my heart that I can at least live with my prolapse, hopefully preventing it from getting even worse, doing the WW work.
I keep my vegan diet, take my supplements (multivitamin, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, probiotics), and get acupuncture to try and support my tissues. But I know that unless I do the WW work, things will not stabilize…
I have Christine’s book and the First Aid for Prolapse DVD. I started working on the posture over a year ago, but then kind of neglected the work for a while… (BIG MISTAKE!) I must admit that maybe I was not serious enough, at first, doing the WW work. I kept trying to stand and walk in posture, doing firebreating and jiggling before straightening into WW posture, but I thought maybe things would not worsen, and so was not too diligent about it.
Well, things have gotten even worse… My bulge is huge, making it uncomfortable to stand and walk these past days.
I bend forward several times a day, jiggle and firebreathe, I try to keep in posture, but I feel so desperate right now… Just rising from my chair makes my bulge get out in seconds. I read through the forums for weeks, and understand that since my prolapse is so profound, I must have it tucked in before I start firebreathing and then straightening up into WW posture. However, once I start to get up from my bending position, things go out again.
I feel very lonely in this, and hope that you, dear ladies, could offer some encouragement. My dear husband is so loving and supporting, but I do need your kindness and support.
How do I know I am doing this right? When I firebreathe, after tucking things in and juggling, I do not feel anything going forward… Could I be doing it wrong? When I stand in WW posture, I sometimes feel as if things get a little better down there, but then I check and it is still out there… How come I feel some relief then?
Sorry for this so very long post. It took me days to get the courage to write this down…

Avena Sativa

Hi avena,
I can say I know exactly where you are coming from having a profound uterine prolapse as well, although I have not gone through menopause yet. One thing I did notice when I first started this work though was that I could not feel any movement of my organs initially. I would actually put my fingers in to the back wall of my vagina and could feel the weight of my uterus resting there seemingly never to budge or move.
But, I was diligent with my whole woman routine, doing everything, most importantly posture, all the exercises I could find, ww walking, lots of jiggling and firebreathing. I did this daily. Eventually, a little before the year mark into this work, I started to feel movement. MY first clue was easier bowel movements when my uterus became unglued from the back wall, and then I could at times, actually feel the fullness in my lower belly when my organs decided to reside there on occasion. That occasional occurrence just started happening more and more often, as I became more in tune to how everything moved and felt down there.
It really is a process, and those of us with severe prolapse really do have to put that kind of dedication into it. I am not trying to be discouraging by saying that, but I feel I have control now, where before I didn't. If I have bad days now, I know just what to do to get back to a good place with it.
Hope that helps some.

Thank you, Aging gracefully, for your kind words. It does help a lot to hear from someone who knows how a profound prolapse feels, and how it can make you feel miserable at times.
As I understand it now, the fact that I do not feel anything move inside should not discourage me. I will try and keep that in mind. It is hard sometimes, as I feel like doing many things, and my prolapsed organs make it so uncomfortable, even just walking around the house...
Again thanks for the encouragement,