Have hurt myself


Have had fairly bad cystocele for around 20 years (am now 79.) Did not want surgery - eventually found Christine's site and on reading the forum topics etc I stopped doing usual kegels - other than Christine's 'new kegels' and video exercises and so on. Seemed to be doing OK - though didn't like the feel of 'something down there' or sight when I bathed etc. Stupidly around 3 weeks ago after using the loo I tried to push it back up. Next time I used the loo I found I was bleeding - not too much but enough to scare me. This wasn't repeated, however things certainly don't feel anything like as comfortable as previously - I now have pain on peeing and when out for daily walk with dog I feel I want to keep my legs well apart! (I have been lining panties with vaseline on tissue to try help this. ) Sitting in posture is comfortable and so is lying on side in bed at night - until I have to get up. Currently I am doing First Aid for Prolapse exercises again just little but often which seems to help for a short while. If anyone has 'survived' a similar experience please let me know, I am getting very depressed about this!

Hi Olderbutwiser,
Have you tried the honey that Christine suggests? Just a small dab of raw local honey inserted vaginally twice a day should really soften that vaginal tissue, so it isn't so dry. If it is too painful to get a finger inside you, start lower until it is more comfortable to insert it higher up. Also, using any kind of lubricant, coconut oil, olive oil, barrier creams, etc. right at the opening may help so you aren't getting any chafing or bleeding.
Hope that helps.

Many thanks, I will try the honey - wasn't thinking so much in terms of dryness as of having done some damage to myself (panic!) so I am glad of someone else's thoughts! Will also use olive oil as lubricant instead of the vaseline.

Of course, I wouldn't actually know what is going on, but it does sound like dry vaginal tissue is the problem here from what other women have described over the years. Just giving things a shove shouldn't hurt you, unless you scraped a fingernail across your vaginal wall. I have shoved my uterus up plenty of times without any adverse affects.

Thank you Aging gracefully. Dry tissue does make sense and I am trying the honey application recommended by Christine, - guess I wasn't thinking clearly.

Just a follow-up on my 'Have hurt myself' post... Using honey and the olive oil as Aging gracefully suggested has helped quite a lot. I needed reminding about Christine's remarks about this as I hadn't felt the need previously. (I think my uterus must have descended more recently - had a bout of 'the runs' followed by constipation (both cleared up now) which may have initiated this...?) Anyway, my morning routine now is to use the honey / oil treatment, do some belly rolls and firebreathing, etc., then take the dog out. For the first ten minutes or so I seem to feel every step I take but then I find this eases and after about half an hour of walking the discomfort has disappeared and I feel really positive. So once again thank-you Christine and Aging gracefully.

So glad you are feeling better! And yes, both constipation and diarrhea can have adverse affects on our prolapses.