Learning to eat vegetables ?


So recently, I've wanted to introduce a lot more vegetables into my diet. However the problem isn't my unwillingness to eat vegetable or my lack of commitment to, it's that my mouth has a natural gag reaction to vegetable. It's especially stronger when something more juicy like say a cucumber or zucchini or broccoli is introduced. Even though i can barely eat lettuce, it isn't much and there is still that initial gag reflex my body has to it. I want to learn to eat healthier but I don't want to try to eat healthier by combining health food with things I like. I want to learn to eat it and tolerate it to where i don't gag from it but it has been so hard. is there any tips on how I should learn to adapt my mind to the trying and accepting healthier food ?


Hi Alice, have you tried juicing vegetables? And then just adding a small amount of your greens with carrot, orange or apple?
That way you would get most of the goodness from them bar the fiber.

Hi Alice it is worth finding a way to eat veggies as they r good in every way,even to preserve your eye sight ! Sigrum is right about juicing. Have u tried soups? There r loads of recipes on the internet from carrot and ginger to onion with cheese topping,yummy! I cook with coconut oil which adds a sweeter flavour and is very good for you too. If u can get organic veg box they r helpful and have better nutritional value no doubt. I even have a recipe for chocolate cake made from figs,cocoa and beetroot,it is on the internet probably under Paleo recipes! I do not think lettuce is an easy veg really ,find something u can enjoy more,good luck !!

I think you should use a little amount of tasting salt with them to make it more tasty and worth of eating.

I googled the term "tasting salt" (it was new to me) and it seems to refer to MSG, something best avoided by anyone who is trying to make the best dietary choices. Maithly16, is this what you meant to suggest? - Surviving

Yeah... me too. I don't know why but I like fruits but hate all vegetables. My grandparents say that I refused all foods from vegetables when I was 3 years old. Of course, they have tried everything to force me eat them until now. And well, I still don't consume any. For me, vegetables taste terrible. I think each person has different personalities, and have different favorite foods also. Why I need to eat vegetables as others do? A healthy diet or a happy diet? I chose the second. Although I'm quite thin, I feel ok and hardly get illness.

Hi, Camryn. I'm new to the forums and just saw this post. I am like you, hate all vegetables and cannot force them down. In fact, I belong to a fb page for picky eaters who have this issue. I would be interested to know how your process in changing your diet is going.


I do like veges so I realise I may not understand what will work but how about making sure you don't do boring veges. If you can do a salad (I prefer some fancy lettuce rather than boring ice berg) and I do that with grated carrot and cheese, hummus, avocado and chop in some chives or other herbs. If you don't want to add raw tomato etc then you could try something else like sun dried tomato or olives. Basically get lots of taste and creaminess in (if you like that and eat dairy). You can squeeze lemon on the salad and maybe have chips on the side or crackers. Note I know the chips are not ideal but if you are going to eat chips then why not add with your veges. I do have a lot of good fats (and some not so good) and find this works for me. I can eat all veges but find steamed or boiled a bit boring so do roast kumera, pumpkin, potato and lots of yummy salads as above (along with some steamed). I am not a big fruit eater so eat more vege instead. If you are not into vege then at least eat fruit. I see all the good suggestions re smoothies or juicing if that works for you.

A friend has had to overhaul her diet for digestive issues. In the past she would not touch the veges I had or herbal tea or smoothies and now she is eating all that stuff and puts spinach in water blends it first and then adds banana and other fruit for her breakfast. She found that research and learning helped her and being hungry. Note she did not have a gag reflex issue so it was probably an easier road.

Sounds like you are keen to sort this alices00ze so wishing you all the best, am sure you will find something that works and then start building on that. It's a whole new world as seriously veges done well are sooo good.
