Prolapse and sex


I hope I've posted this in the right place! I've had a prolapse since I had a baby 7 years ago. The doctor said I could look at surgery eventually but it wasn't something they'd recommend until I was finished having children. I haven't had another and have only had sex once since, about 6 years ago and it was non-eventful enough that I don't remember much about it! I'm just starting to see someone else now and am getting very worried about it. I've been doing a good bit of pilates and kegel exercises lately and have noticed that it feels worse. Having done some reading tonight, it looks like I've been doing the worst possible things!

I'm going to be seeing him in a week and a half and sex is definitely a possibility and I'm getting really worried about it. Is sex possible? Presumably it is if the doctor wasn't going to fix it until I was finished having kids. Is a pessary a good idea, one that can stay in during sex? I'm going to try and get an appointment with a doctor tomorrow but would like advice from women who have been there too.


Hi penguin and welcome,
Sex is not only possible, but very beneficial in helping move those pelvic organs into the lower belly. And men don't seem to notice anything different either.
You have found yourself that kegels just don't work. Christine has written many articles on the subject that you can find on this site.
Surgery has it's drawbacks too, with women ending up having other organs prolapsing or worse complications.
Have a look around this site and get familiar with Christine's approach to prolapse. It is holistic, noninvasive, and for many of us the only way to help us.
Have a good look around and best wishes to you.

Hi Penguin - I would definitely recommend you give this video a watch, before you see any more doctors:

It's a 20-minute overview of the WW work. Surgery is not a cure for prolapse and can cause so many more problems than solutions. Instead, learn how to support your organs naturally and safely. I discovered Christine's teachings 6 years ago and it has been a revelation. - Surviving