Lichen Sclerosis in a 2 year old



I'm just back from the Doctor having been told that my daughter who is only 2 has got lichen sclerosis.
I've come across it due to someone I worked having it (and some unsuccessful surgeries to deal with it) and also through some of the discussions here.

She's been prescribed corticosteroids and gentamicin. I feel very reluctant to go down this route, especially at such a young age. I can see she's in a lot of discomfort.

I've been reading about the cider vinegar and honey for my own thrush issues (and doing it too!).
She has also had lots of little patches of fungal infection e.g. on her shoulder, buttock which just keep cropping up.

Any advice or direction for my research would be greatly appreciated.


Is this only affecting the skin on her shoulder and buttock, or is she experiencing vulva symptoms as well?

I just thought I'd mention the fungal patches elsewhere in case it might be relevant. She's very sore, poor thing. Thanks, NP

Hi NewPerspective,

My granddaughter developed vulva LS until we insisted that she stop being fed commercial cow’s milk at her pre-school, and delivered a case of soy milk to the school instead. Her symptoms cleared up immediately and never returned. Look at anything that might be disrupting her hormones. The phytoestrogens in soy milk might help as well, as the vulva contains many estrogen-beta receptors, for which phytoestrogens are the natural ligand, or key.

For immediate relief, try pouring a little DHA/flax oil on a warm washcloth for her to hold against her vulva. The omega 3 it contains is very anti-inflammatory and will take the fire out.

The skin patches may be fungal in origin, in which case vinegar is certainly worth trying. My skin became more alkaline after menopause, making me vulnerable to ringworm-type infections. I have to be very careful of rubber gloves, which give me a rash on my hands and forearms. Vinegar clears it right up.

Many acid-loving species of microorganisms live inside and outside healthy bodies.

Like so many other treatments for chronic conditions, the medical system’s approach to LS is neither logical, safe, or ultimately effective.

Wishing you both well!


I really appreciate your response and giving me things I can constructively do to help my daughter. Although I am currently breastfeeding her, she has become very keen on porridge (with cows milk) at the moment so that's something I can easily change. Off to buy some flax oil..
Thanks again, NP