Sports tampons are amazing things!


Hello all, I want to thank whoever put the idea of using sports tampons, instead of a pessary, on this forum site! I am 61 and have struggled with a moderate prolapse (seems to by bladder) for many years. It has come and gone. I tried the estring but it just was super uncomfortable as my uterus is tipped as well. I think it got worse when I was taking care of my mother, lifting her was a bad idea.
Anyway, I have worked on the posture as well as exercises in the Hab-it program on and off for several years. I use a small amount of bio-identical estradiol intra-vaginally without which I am miserable.
Yesterday I tried the tampon trick for the first time and had the best day ever! Today it worked too. I put away Christmas things, went shopping, was on my feet all day and what a relief to not have the 'bulge' I had forgotten what life was without it.
I will continue with the posture and exercises but thank you, thank you for this great, life changing idea!!

Warmly, Kim

Hi khuselid and welcome,
Glad you have found something that works for you, but I must caution you that this along with pessaries, sponges, etc. are really only a temporary fix to this problem. Also, it is just not good for your body to keep a tampon inside it for any length of time. Just some things to consider.

I want to also address the Hab-it exercises you are doing. These completely contradict the Whole Woman work. If you do any amount of reading on this forum and Christine's work you will learn why. Suffice it to say that Hab-it is based on kegel style exercises which have been proven over and over not to work, while Christine's work is based on getting us back to our natural posture, the one we were always meant to have.

Please do some serious reading around on this site, and you will find the best most noninvasive method for prolapse issues.

Hi Aging gracefully,

I have been dealing with prolapse issues for 12 years so I'm pretty aware of the support that is out there. I'm an all organic, all natural type person and the idea of doing anything that would harm me is distasteful I've read all of Christine's materials as well as Tasha's at Hab-it. I have found good things that work for me from each. I don't see them as totally contradictory I think both women have things to offer that are helpful and useful. Tasha at Hab-it recommends Christine's posture work.
While I totally understand that tampons are a temporary fix I think it's ok to use something that works that adds for your quality of life. I have been hesitant to try tampons for many years. Hearing women have success with a particular type gave the courage to try even though it wasn't my first choice. Of course I wanted to 'heal' my prolapse, but for me that probably isn't an option. I will continue with my exercises and posture work, but having a few days now of being able to walk and work in the yard and not feel so uncomfortable has been amazing for me. I wish I had tried this sooner.
I am writing this to you because you assumed I had not read around....or tried noninvasive methods, which isn't true. I am writing to caution you to check things out and not assume. I wasn't asking for advice, I was thanking this lovely site.
My best to you on your journey. I am happy for you if you have been able to work with your prolapse without what you call 'invasive' issues.

What you are suggesting and advertising with Hab-it and tampons is not what this site is all about. The forum is a great place to bounce around ideas, but the Whole Woman work is always at the forefront, and should not be confused and mixed in with other ideas. It stands alone.
Again, glad you found what works for you, but we must always be clear about what this site, and this forum represents: The Whole Woman Work.

I guess I was mis-informed. It seems like many women talk about different types of pessaries and other ways of working with their difficulties. I never meant to say that WWW wasn't also important. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. My post was to thank the person who posted their experience. Nothing more. I am not advertising anything, but if this is the way it works here (and BTW I am not new here I had just lost my PW) then that is pretty sad. I am surely not the first person to talk about other methods and ideas. I though the forum was for members to express what they are learning. I didn't know it was censored.

There has been much discussion on here about the different things woman have used, but none compare to the Whole Woman work. We will always caution those ideas with the results of what other women coming back here are telling us, that they just don't work. You may have found one glowing report of how tampons work, but if you keep reading, you will find many more women that say they just don't, and they wish they hadn't wasted their time with quick fixes, but went 100% right into the whole woman work.
If you really have read all of Christine's work, you would know that kegels just don't work for prolapse either.
You can call what I have said censorship, but I say it is getting the root without wasting time on ideas that don't pan out. You can dally with these other ideas all you want to, but 100% dedication to whole woman is what helps prolapse.

Khuselid - Oftentimes new members breeze right past the opening page of our Forum, so here is a link for you, which describes the mission here. We do focus on the WW work and we will most definitely make suggestions if we feel someone is not taking full advantage of what this work has to offer. - Surviving