Testing for prolapse


I just have a quick question! I have a rectocele, but I'm not sure about the other organs. When I stand and do the test, I can insert two fingers into the vagina almost to the second knuckle before I touch the cervix. When I push on it, it doesn't seem to want to go up any higher. Does this mean I do not have uterine prolapse? And I cannot tell at all if I have a cystocele - don't think I feel anything there, but I'm not sure. It seems that it's just a rectocele. Any thoughts? The reason I ask is that I have weird vaginal sensations right now because I've had a series of anal fissures and tension. I can't tell what's what!

I believe I have both cystocele and rectocele, which often go hand-in-hand, but I was never able to tell anything definitive from poking around. That is probably because I never had a close personal relationship with my vaginal walls before I had prolapse, so I was never sure how things were supposed to feel. I realize that makes me the exception here, where people are always poking around in search of changes big and small. Anyway, my point is that it really doesn't matter. Your uterus could have fallen somewhat back from its original position, but it certainly isn't prolapsed by any serious definition here. 'Celes tend to help prop the uterus up into its forward position anyway. - Surviving