Rectocele success, but new problem :(


Hello ladies,
I have been plugging along with posture etc. Managing my cystocele/rectocele (the worst)/prob uterine prolapse. Having mostly good/minimal symptom days, more bulging around my cycle etc.
After 4 years now, I swear my rectocele is gone!!. I am sure I get bulging right before BM, and my back wall is soft, but NO MORE pressure, stuck weirdness, heaviness, incomplete emptying etc. The only thing
I can think that I did different is....during the day I often rock side to side on knees and elbows, I started rocking sometimes forward and back, slowly. This is when I realised I was really have no rectocele issues. However, I then noticed pressure on my bladder, and sometimes sudden urge to pee. I thought it was because my cycle was due, heavy uterus etc....So, what I think happened, is my uterus (previously slightly tipped back), flopped forward, yay, pulled up my back wall, but YIKES now my cystocele is WAY WORSE! Like completely blocking the opening. I used to be able to do daily long walks mostly symptom free, but now I have that horrid bulging feeling that everything is going to fall out. This is now my current status for 3 months now, no recto, bad cysto. Help, I feel like I am starting over, can my bladder really move forward, it has been held up by my recto for 4 years. It seems impossible to get it up and over my pubic bone. I am still walking, but feel gross and like it makes it worse....sigh.
Appreciate any thoughts?

Hi sea turtle - the organs move around all the time, and while I can't really explain specifically what is happening right now, I would just keep on the path you're on. Be absolutely diligent about posture in all aspects of your day (lifting,'s easy for mindfulness to slip away). Step up your firebreathing or start to learn and do this if you aren't already. The organs do move around, and I could make a case for this turn of events actually representing progress in your case. I think you can work that bladder back up over the pubic bone most of the time if you try. The WW work doesn't come to an end, it's a forever thing. You've just moved into another phase. Keeping jiggling everything forward and visualizing yourself as that 4-legged creature from the hips down. The Pee on-Pee off exercise routine might be a good one to switch to for awhile. - Surviving