New here...wanted input about uterine prolapse and fibroids


Hi my story is that over the last 3 years, my asymptomatic 2 little fibroids I was diagnosed with when pregnant with my daughter 21 years ago, suddenly grew up, as I am entering the premenopausal stage I guess. At this point they are 10 and 12 cm, respectively. The 10cm is at the top of my uterus, and the 12 cm is in the cervix, and causing all kinds of problems. Just over a year ago, I felt a protrusion, and now it will not stay inside. I have a uterine prolapse, which the fibroids are complicating. My doctor of 27 years has told me I have no options but a hysterectomy, and a Stanford specialist that I went to for a second diagnosis has also told me the same thing. There's no sure bet when I'll be in menopause, and even if the fibroids shrink like they would then, because of the size it might only be 2cm, which will still leave me with the prolapse being as severe as it is. I finally got a pessary this past few days, and it is keeping my parts "in." I have completely changed my diet, eliminating everything processed, no dairy, grains, artificial sweeteners, fried, soda, salt n soy. Very, very hard for me. I am a vegetarian, so meat not an issue. I am doing this to try and balance my body in terms of hormones, which from I'm reading is the only possibility for trying to reduce and eventually remove fibroids, which has to happen I think, in order to manage prolapse. I am TERRIFIED of surgery; I have never been in the hospital except for births, and because of the location of the 12cm fibroid, I am being told that it is risky and I am a "challenging" case. I don't feel confident in either doctor when they tell me this. The fibroid is near my uretha? and prominent vein, or something to that effect. I don't want to have multiple issues after a hysterectomy, and I sure don't want to die. My sister's friend's wife died during a hysterectomy in 2002, she just bled out. I don't understand how that can happen, and with all the things being told to me about my fibroid's location, it scares me.

At this point, with the pessary out, I can sometimes when I'm not in my cycle, suck it back in with sphincter muscles I think, but I can only keep it in when standing mostly still. When I walk, it drops down again and is very difficult to keep in. I'm not sure where to start if I want to to do the the Whole Woman program, since I am kind of advanced in my prolapse. I also don't know what it means to try and do the program when I have fibroids to contend with as well. I know that posture makes a difference in prolapse, and after reading everything here, I want to try. I just want to do it right.

Also - by chance if anyone has found anything significant in reducing/getting rid of their fibroids, I sure would like to know. Maybe I can't get rid of them, but if I can return them to the size they were when they weren't causing any problems, maybe I can manage prolapse enough that my life can return to normal. I'm so self conscious of them and my prolapse, I haven't even been able to have relations with my husband for nearly 6 months. This is devastating, but I know you ladies know what I"m feeling. Thanks for any help you can provide, and sorry for the looong post. Viv

Hi shttrbugin and welcome. I can say to you with confidence that you can be helped with the WW work. You are wise to avoid hysterectomy, which comes with a host of problems, not the least of which is that other organs often prolapse into the void. Christine herself, Aging Gracefully and many others have managed to tame profound uterine prolapse through Whole Woman practices. It's not a quick fix, but it is an absorbing and gratifying endeavor that does bring results if given the chance. You are wise and fortunate to have found us here.

The pessary is OK for now, especially if it is comfortable and giving relief. You are lucky with this, because they can be tricky to fit, and often don't have the desired results at all. But do be aware that pessary use just aggravates prolapse over time (especially rectocele) because most all varieties hold the vagina open. The goal of the WW work is to maintain the vagina as a closed, flattened tube which helps keep organs from prolapsing into that space.

Regarding the fibroids - we don't give medical advice here on the forum, so possibly scheduling a consult with Christine herself would be wise. My understanding is that they often tend to have a growth spurt just before perimenopause, then usually shrink thereafter. Have you discussed myomectomy with any of your doctors? I personally would be hesitant to let anyone into my belly with a scalpel, because regardless of how you make your wishes known, the surgeon can do whatever he or she deems to be in your best interest. You do not mention pain or bleeding associated with these fibroids. If your concerns are centered around the prolapse, and on what all of this is doing to your sex life, these are things that can be addressed without surgery.

Get started.....the WW work is very empowering and there is lots of support here. - Surviving

Hi Surviving, thank you for your reply. The fibroids are at root for why the doctors say remove the uterus. They are too large to laser, in a tricky spot to embolize or do a myomectomy, so the only thing is to remove entire uterus. Because they keep emphasizing how difficult the one fibroid is, I am scared to let them do anything; not just because the problems that can come with removing uterus, but simply I'm afraid I'll be one of the "emergency" situations, in terms of bleeding out with everything so close to major bleeding risk areas, if that makes sense. I don't have a ton of pain with fibroids luckily, just moments. But one of the fibroids seriously aggravates the prolapse; actually my doctor doesn't agree with the Stanford doctor about what is causing the prolapse. My doctor says I have two situations - the prolapse and the fibroids, while the Stanford doctor says he thinks the fibroid is causing my prolapse. Remove the fibroid and my prolapse will correct. But - again the one fibroid supposedly cannot be removed by itself, due to location.

My worry is that I can't work the correcting of the prolapse because it is the fibroid partially forcing it. That is, its actually my large fibroid that is pushing my uterus down and out. So my plan of attack was to completely overhaul my diet, balance my body's hormones, do whatever I could do to reduce the size of my fibroids, while working on strengthening my body so I could get my organs back into place. I need the pessary because I am unable to exercise comfortably because just walking is hard with the prolapse. Maybe I should just wear it when I am walking (my chosen method for now)?

Do you think that WW will still help even though the fibroid is a big part of the prolapse? I saw my MRI, the fibroids are squishing everything to the side. I just wonder since the program is based on returning organs to proper position, if I will be able to even do that. I'm just so discouraged right now. Also, since I am in serious prolapse, which actual bundle/program should I try? I don't know the difference between the basic course for pelvic, the WW solution to pelvic or the basic starter bundle. Does the solution have everything? Money is an issue for me so I have to be frugal, although any one of these will be less expensive over the surgeries I know. My part of the MRI cost is 3x as much, sadly. Thank you again for your input.

I think you are wise not to consider hysterectomy as a solution for the prolapse. It causes more problems than it could ever fix, including the prolapse of other organs into the space, and the worst prolapse of all, vaginal vault prolapse which is common after hyst. And I see no reason to think that the WW work would not be effective.

My choice for you would be a Starter Bundle (the hard copies, or, the e-version if shipping costs are an issue where you live, and/or if you just want to have that kind of access on your device). I personally feel that's the best bang for the buck when you are getting started. You can add to the collection as you go along.

I wish you the best. Menopause will hopefully calm down that fibroid and you will be so much better off for not letting yourself be sliced and diced. - Surviving