Sorry another posture question!!


When you lift your chest, how strong is the lift? Is it to full extension or just a gentle lift. Full extension feels like it has the most effect but is obviously very hard to hold and I'm worried I might hurt myself!! I am quite strong naturally and tend to overdo things so just wanted a bit of a guide!

Thanks in advance (again!)


After relaxing your abdominal wall, lift your chest as high as you can. Really crank it up there.

Now pull your shoulders down, make your upper back flat and broad, and pull up through the back of your head and neck by pulling your chin in and down.

You are now in WW posture. It took a lot of force and effort to get there, but understand how effortless it becomes in time when your body aligns automatically without all the pushing and pulling.

You cannot hyperextend either your lumbar or thoracic spine in WWP.

That's really helped to clarify. I have been doing what you describe today and it has helped!