
I started WW posture and FirstAid for Prolapse about 5 weeks ago.... it has been a great experience. I began the posture right away, and some of the exercises in the video, the improvement was immediate. I
was a grade 3, and am now a grade 1.

I was experiencing severe pressure, and according to MD I needed surgery. I tried the pessary, the first week or two it was helpful, then I thought it made things worse, so I abandoned that plan.

I also do Pilates Reformer and sat with my instructor and showed her the First Aid video so she could see what I was working on, and together we could be sure I was following it during my workouts. I use the posture in my walking, sitting, etc. I think all of these things contributed to my reversal of symptoms, I know I have to keep up with it going forward, but just want you to know, the sitting cross legged, posture and all of the pointers have been so helpful!


Gram56, your timing with this post couldn't have been better. I really needed to read something like this right now! I too have a grade 3 prolapse. The "First Aid for Prolapse" DVD just arrived today, and I dropped everything to sit down and watch it. Even though A.G. on this forum reassured me a couple of days ago, I've felt afraid to hope the prolapse could improve. I first noticed it when it was a grade 2, and for over 3 years I've been doing everything I could to help it heal -- working with western medical practitioners as well as alternative/holistic practitioners -- only to see it gradually worsen. I have a pessary and, like you, I think it makes things worse. But I've been in a bind, because without it I can't take good walks (needed for both health and sanity!) or do my work. Finally I found this website. I saved up for the "Whole Woman Fundamentals" DVD and started working on the posture. Also on the potty position, BTW, which I thought I didn't need, but it turns out to be terrific. With that position, every time I use the toilet, even if I'm just peeing, I can feel my pelvic organs shifting into place a bit, as opposed to protruding more. Anyway, today after watching "First Aid for Prolapse," I took out the pessary, felt my uterus drop and my cervix protrude as usual, and tried some Fire Breathing. When I stood up, no more protruding cervix! The respite lasted only a few minutes, but it was enough to make me think I have a chance after all. And now your post reinforces my hope. I'm starting the beginning workout today. My birthday is in 5 weeks. If I see any improvement at all by then, even if it's only a little -- that will be the best birthday gift ever. Please hold good thoughts for me, if you will, and thank you for posting!

Thanks to both of you for your posts. Women at various stages of this journey can use all the encouragement they can get.....this is what the Forum is really all about. So keep up the good work and keep checking in here with your progress. We can all take a little time out of our day to give a boost to someone who needs it! And the WW work is about as empowering as it gets! - Surviving