Thank you Christine!!!


Hello lovely whole women,

My story, briefly, is that I am 64 years old, healthy and active, mother of 8 grown children. 3 months ago I was straining while in the bathroom (late for a meeting at work) and felt something …give/pop/whatever. Before this the word prolapse never entered my mind. Long story short, I was subsequently diagnosed with a 2.5 rectocele and cystocele. I was in SO much pain, was offered surgery by a gynaecologist, but knew that was not what I wanted.

I found the Whole Woman site, ordered the videos, am figuring out the posture and doing the exercIses daily.

On the weekend I completed a 2.5 km hike in the mountains!!! I was initially so nervous to begin , but found when I stayed in the posture it was do-able, manageable, at times pain-free! I began walking at work today and gardened for several hours on the weekend, stopping often when I felt pain to assume the posture and "remembering to remember" to stay in it.

I find it's a learning curve: what kind of chair or sit in at work, how to sit, walk and stand most effectively, but I have SO much hope for getting my life back!!

To anyone new to the forum I would say: digest those videos over and over and do the exercises-it makes such a difference! Thank you Christine for sharing your knowledge with all of us!

Hi Mamacita, welcome and thanks for the wonderful post! You have discovered so many important things about this work. And one essential truth is that you just have to immerse yourself in it for awhile. Jump in, read, watch, study and just do it!! Your progress will not always be linear but with patience and effort, the good days will begin to outnumber the bad. You let your symptoms guide you, and you gradually stop fearing them, because you understand what they are telling you, and you know what to do.

I remember going on a very long hike when I was several months into this work (probably somewhere in my second year). I was further along than you and I wasn't particularly nervous about it, but curious as to how I would do. Not only did I find myself easily staying in posture, but hours later I realized that I was more symptom-free than I could ever remember being since I first became aware of prolapse. It was a huge epiphany for me. I have often stated on this forum that prolapse and Whole Woman have improved my life well over and above where I would have been if I'd never developed it in the first place. Your average newbie would think I was nuts, but you know where I am coming from.

So please keep us informed of your progress. Hearing from others who are in the early and middle stages of this journey, is more helpful to others than a million lectures from someone like me! - Surviving

Dear Surviving..

How kind of you to write those encouraging words! I'm a little tear-y.

I especially love that you believe prolapse has IMPROVED your life. I don't think I'm there -lol- but try to find meaning in all of life's experiences and have often wondered what I would find in this one.
I would be very interested in the "silver linings" you have found..

Hi Mamacita,

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us of your progress. Hurray!!

I’m working very hard on a new hips course, which is going to take WW to a whole new level. Really, what has happened in orthopedics is even more shocking and mind-blowing than what we all have experienced from gynecology.

I also will have something unique and brilliant (if I do say so myself - lol) to help immensely with all our conditions. It’s top secret for the moment, but we’ll be announcing very soon.

Keep up the good work, dear Mamacita.


Thank you for taking the time to say hello Christine…can't wait for all your new material!


Dear MamacitaCDN,
Wonderful news with your progress!
It is my 5th Whole Woman Birthday with my first post on 26th May 2012!
I am living proof that Christine's approach works.
As soon as I adopted WW posture, it immediately stopped the painful concussion that had started in my hip after years of instability and dealing with rectocele as well.
After about 18mths, learning the posture, I started Christine's Save Your Hips Program, doing it almost daily for months. I have healed hip instability, knee pain, vein pain and balance, inner ear balance, strengthened my body from toes up and evened out my left and right sides and soooo much more.

Welcome and wishing you all the best,
Much love,
Aussie Soul Sister

.....on your WW 5th anniversary! Much love to you - Surviving

Thankyou Surviving,
Lovely doing it with you, Christine, Lanny and Aging Gracefully and Louiseds,and the Whole Woman community over the years!
What a journey it has been!
Long may it continue to better the lives of women and their families across the world!

Much love to all,

Aussie Soul Sister

So kind of you to welcome me! It's wonderful to hear about all the positive changes you've made. It really gives me so much hope that I too will get my life back completely.