Dutch Mothers?


Hello there,
I became mother 8 januar a week later i get a prolaps. I've therapy that helped a bit. Then my work wanted me back at work (I'm nurse) so that was a hard part, the prolaps was back as big as the first week. Now I've holiday and start a new job 1 july.

Now I found the whole woman and the idea of the woman body position. That helps a bit. I wanted to order the book and dvd first aid by prolaps, but i don't have a creditcard. I'm wondering if there are some dutch mothers here. What did you do, what helps you can you get me some advise?


I'm not Dutch, but I live 15 minutes from Holland in Germany:) I am still rather new to the program, and I have a rectocele. The things that have helped me the most are the Whole Woman posture and the diaphram breathing. I can't believe what a difference the breathing makes. I was having terrible posture (no noticeable lumbar curve) and a high chest breather (causing anxiety and a host of other problems). I am taking time out and breathing. Mostly, it's important to realize that this is a journey, and there is no quick fix.

Hey Dutchie, Sorry to hear of your situation. I know a Nurse life is tuff, you come to the right place. The whole women program helped me ad many others in prolapse situation and hope will bring for you as well. Good Luck!!

Hi Dutchie - I am sure there are other ways for you to purchase products even without a credit card. You can go to the Contact Us tab up above, and get in touch with Lanny in Customer Service to discuss what your options might be. It will take longer as you probably need to mail in a money order. But it will be worth the wait. - Surviving