New mom 6 weeks post-partum not much help from MD


Hi Everyone!

Even though I'm upset about what's happening to my body I'm so glad to have found this network of women supporting each other… It's reassuring to see some people's success stories and to realize that there are plenty of other people are experiencing something similar. I just delivered my beautiful daughter the beginning of May and could not be happier to have her in my life. She's my first child and I'm currently 38 years old. I'm also a nurse. I thought I did all the reading during my pregnancy but apparently I was uneducated regarding prolapses and all the changes that happen to your body AFTER.

I was induced at 41 weeks and was in labor for a total of 30 hours and pushed for 4. I had a grade three laceration and was completely shocked to find myself incontinent of urine after delivery. When I left the hospital 36 hours later it was with a bag of chucks and the recommendation to "give it a week". Things have definitely improved a bit since then and now I have frequency and urgency constantly, but make it to the bathroom minus some minor leakage. Once some of the swelling subsided at week three I started to feel a bludge. I contacted my doctor and went in for an eval and was sent home with a prescription for Augmentin and a UTI. I had looked at home with a mirror and after searching online was pretty confident that I had a prolapse. My doctor told me that it was minor and that my symptoms were consistent with a UTI. I didn't take the antibiotics and was later told my urine was negative. My symptoms have continued and have not improved over the past week. I just had my six week check up and was cleared and told everything was fine and that I had a minor cystocele and recticele. I don't understand how this could be minor when I am literally running to the bathroom every 20 minutes. I looked again and noticed that when I'm laying down the buldge is hardly noticeable but when I'm standing or sitting the buldge comes out of my vagina. I made an appointment on my own with a urogynocologist, which isn't for a few weeks.

I was hoping to get some information from women who have been through this. Is it normal to have such a discrepancy between what happens in different positions? Did anyone else have similar experiences and eventually have some improvement? I am enjoying my maternity leave, but the thought of returning to work as an ER nurse while I'm leaking urine and running to the bathroom is too much to wrap my head around.

Congratulations on your new baby!
I am new as well so I don't have much to say as far as suggestions but I wanted to say hello and that although my situation is not the same I feel confident you will find help and encouragement here. F on what I have been reading In the forum many pp moms feel so much better over time. I have just started the WW posture and the exercises and have noticed an improvement in the uncomfortable bulgey feeling. Not all the time but for stretches of time. Getting on all fours like the cat cow yoga pose really helps the pressure.
Also I did order the prolapse first aid which had a lot of good information.
I hope you find help and hope here. This is such a special time with your baby and I know it must be hard to feel uncomfortable and worried. I think you found this place for a reason and it will get better! Enjoy that baby and be gentle with yourself. At least we aren't alone!

Hi First time mom and welcome,
You are still very early into a two year healing period postpartum, so many of these symptoms will be alleviated as you go, but with the help of the whole woman work, you can continue to progress in very positive ways.
There is much available for the postpartum moms here, so please check those out. You may also want to look into the urinary incontinence program. Christine explains a lot about what is going on with this and has these fabulous pee on pee off exercises that you will find very beneficial.
If you have any questions about the different programs and what to pick, just let us know.

I'm afraid of this happening with my 6 week pp checkup. I went to the ER for the same thing, noticed a bulge. I had fell on a basket really hard early on in the day and didn't notice it sticking out of my body til later. I had finally gotten the courage to look and see why I was feeling sharp pains and heaviness. Called Dr office and on call nurse said don't pick up your baby and go to the ER. Well the ER Dr was confusing.. said it was bulging abnormally and also that it's not normal for first time moms. However, it'll heal normally just like the rest of my tears. Contradicting. I questioned the Dr because he said it was not bulging out.. well no shot I was laying down on a Pan that tilted my pelvis. I was a mess and couldn't wrap my mind around this, so the only thing I asked is will this reoccur later in life? He said no. I feel some answers are textbook. Its been 2 weeks and I feel the same. My doctor apt is next week, anxious to hear what they have to say. I'm going to ask for a referral to a specialist and PT. I don't want to hear oh it'll get better with time like the previous doctor, and not get any advice on how to aid correction. Why do they act like it's no big deal? It's a big deal!!! I've cried so much over the pain of recovery and this problem holding me back from loving normally. I'm always uncomfortvale and I don't know how I can work with this problem. I teach young children where u have to bend down, sit on small -low to the ground chairs, stand all day...and then come home take are of the home and my child?! I'm very depressed about this and will not just sit back and let it recover on its own, that's bullshit. I have yet to hear a case where that happened. I'm 29 and I'm supposed to love this way? No way! Message me if you wanna keep in touch. I'm 4 weeks PP right now and am no longer sitting back and listening to my doctors. like most people on this page I'm going to try PT and massage. I just found out about 2 western massages that aid PP recovery. Best of luck! Just know you're not alone. Sorry for my rant.

I was also induced and had a 24hr labor. I'm assuming our long labor is to blame.

Hi Sunshine - what you are experiencing is extremely common and is quite manageable with a bit of study and effort. Please look into the Whole Woman work (it's why this site exists). You can start by watching this for an overview. This forum is for women who are pursuing the WW work or are considering it. Please join us! - Surviving

I can hear how scared and angry you feel and I can relate to those feelings for sure! Especially when no one seems to know what to do. Just waiting for things to get better seems awful. That is how I felt a week ago when my bulge showed up. I was desperate and angry!

I have started using the posture and purchased the prolapse first aid to watch on my phone. It seems confusing at first but I am starting to understand more. The important thing is I use the posture in all I do, walking, sitting, lifting. It takes some getting used to but it made an immediate difference. I also started some of the movements in the video and have noticed the bulge is smaller. Getting down on all fours throughout the day has helped to.
I am sorry this is happening to you but you found the right place. Start doing the posture and the breathing and I think you will start feeling better! You deserve to feel better and enjoy this special time with your baby.


Ugh I'm so sorry that you're in the same boat. It's definitely frustrating to deal with, especially now that the rest of my body is feeling great and I want to be able to enjoy my daughter by going for walks and just get back into shape. I'd love to hear what works for you, and hopefully gets this under control!