Is all hope lost?


Hi every one I'm new and had I known about my options I would have Definately said NO to my gyno.
My story
At 32 I was diagnosed with mild prolapse, after the birth of my 2nd child my gyno diagnosed me with a severe case of pelvic organ prolapse and my only alternative is hystorectomy of course being so young and looking at her as the 'professional' I went ahead and took her advise thinking there could not be no possible alternative.
So I'm 36 now and its been only one year since my
hystorectomy and already there are complications now my bladder is prolapsing. Today I visited the said gyno and she hurriedly fitted me with a pessary and told me that my other option is yet another surgery (more money in her pocket).
So ladies is all lost for me? Can I still continue without my uterus? Would physical therapy for prolapse be at all useful knowing that my uterus is gone now?
Any imput would be of great value.
Thank you.

I have been living well enough with a stage 3 rectocele for almost 10 years. I have had terrible hemorrhoids (including 3 thrombosed) in that time. In the last 2 years I have developed vulvar varicosities that are VERY painful. Has anyone else experienced this? My doctor says it is pelvic congestion syndrome and the insurance company won't pay to treat it. Are there any at home things to try?

Hi Natty and welcome,
So sorry to hear of this happening to you, especially at such a young age. Christine has actually developed a program just for the post hysterectomy women coming here, so yes there is still hope for you to lead a normal life with this.
Here is the link:

Thank you for the warm welcome, aging gracefully and yes I will check out your recommendation and again thank you. Trying to find the best solution to deal with cystocele and rectocele