

Hi ...not sure if I am placing this in the right area. I am new to this site; recently diagnosed as having a small Rectocele, size of a half small grape. My question is will this rectocele remain small if I look after it by maintaining good bowel habits; and continue to use my bio-identical Estriol estrogen. Will doing the yoga & pilates exercises help prevent any other organ prolapse?

Hi Hope and Healing and welcome to the Whole Woman site. I'd say yes to the good bowel habits and no to the rest.
You can use raw local honey in place of the estriol; Christine has talked about this in her videos and on the forum quite extensively.
Traditional yoga and pilates may not be your best bet to start, but the Whole Woman posture, walking, tricks, and exercises will help you get a long way in prolapse management. Then you can introduce other activities that will fit in with the posture.
Please have a good look around this site and read about this very important work, and then check out the whole woman store for the many options to get you started.
Come back here with any additional questions you have about this very important work.

I guess I should have explained a little more ....I have severe vaginal atrophy; susceptible to yeast infections, I don't think I can use the raw honey like most women .....wish I could!

Some threads with Christine discussing yeast infections and honey:

Also, the vaginal health DVD is very helpful:

You could get this one online also as it is cheaper by a few bucks.

There is also Christine's lecture on vaginal health:

And, there is plenty to read on this site and forum with some key words typed in the search.

New to this site, so hoping to find some guidance/answers. For the past five years or so I have noticed a bulge in my vagina. After having a bowel movement I would have to sit on a hard surface (toilet lid, side of bathtub, wooden chair, etc.) to push things back into place. I never spoke with my doctor because I was afraid he would think I was nuts. Fast forward to June of this year. Wow. The bulge became enormous and was protruding very far out of my vagina. Couldn't wear tight pants; walking was uncomfortable. I was referred to a urogynegocolist who has been extraordinary. I feel (as comfortable as one can be in this situation) with this doctor. He diagnosed it as a rectocele at a stage 3. I'm on my second pessary. First one was too small and would fall out. This one is humongous. I don't see him until the 12th of September and will discuss this then, but I wanted to get some wisdom from women who have been there, done that. Since this pessary is so big, it hurts to take it out. I remove it nightly and clean it. I don't feel it when it's in which I know is good. Has anyone ever noticed an odor even when removing daily? Is that normal? I still have some of the bulge but at least I can wear my regular pants. Is that normal or is the pessary supposed to take care of the bulge completely? May have surgery in December to take care of this. Thoughts from anyone???

Hi Parkway331,
I'm of no help to you as I just found out this week that I have bladder prolapse. I'm not wanting any surgery so was thinking about getting the pessary. My question is can I still do the exercises with a pessary and strengthen the pelvic floor? Or should I wait and see if these exercises and posture help before trying the pessary?

We are not big pessary fans on this site. Most of our members who have used them, have discontinued their use for various reasons, and found the solution they needed in the Whole Woman work. Surgery is not the answer either.....please ladies check around this site and see what we are all about here.

Pessary use tends to aggravate prolapse (especially rectocele) by holding the vagina open, encouraging the organs to prolapse further. They are best used in the short term until a prolapsed woman learns enough to manage things safely on her own, without having to fear that bulge.

Please watch this for an overview of Whole Woman concepts:

-- Surviving

Thank you Surviving60,
It's good to know that most of them are discontinuing them. My thought was I can't stand this prolapse outside, feels like a tampon sticking out. I was thinking of getting the Pessary until I could strengthen the pelvic floor. I'm now thinking maybe I'll call my doctor in the morning and tell them I want to wait and see what happens with the exercises and posture. I know there is no way at this point I can sit on the floor, at 67 my hips hurt to much. I'll watch the video in the morning and see what I can do. Thank you for your help.

Hi Reba4,hello and welcome to WW!
I experienced hip issues and rectocele.
I started with the First Aid information which has a great dictionary of movements in it as well as other great information.
Christine brought out a Save Your Hips Program as some of us had expressed that our hip issues had somewhat been resolved by just the posture.
I loved that program because the beginning has exercises that can be done on a chair - the new kegels, arm, chest and neck and head exercises. (I had a lot of trouble doing any of the floor exercises as well in the beginning, and can now do most of them comfortably)
I took it very slowly and over time was amazed at my progress.( There are standing exercises, standing on a box exercises and floor ones as well in that program which may not suit you at this time...)

If you are in a lot of hip pain, a personal phone consultation with Christine for your specific needs would be in order as we here can only go on our own experience, and Christine has RN qualifications, and many years of ongoing Whole Woman research.
I have observed that many of the exercises can be transferred from the floor to chair and standing and Christine would be best to advise you on what you can do.

Wishing you all the best,

Aussie Soul Sister