Plant Based Diet - info I'd like to share


Hello Ladies!
I am a new member and diagnosed myself with mild Prolapse of both the bladder and rectum 2 years ago, I was also professional diagnosed with a tilted uterus (retro) when I was 18!. I am 38 yrs old and never had children but have been doing T-Tapp for the last year and noticed that my prolapse symptoms have gotten worse since the T-Tapp posture requires you to tuck your butt :( Although I have gotten stronger and more fit.

Anyways, I've been suffering from internal hemorrhoids and after finding the WW forum and understanding the mechanics of the WW posture, it has made me realize that the hemorrhoids are a result from my uterus sitting on my rectum! I bought the First Aid for Prolapse Streaming video and love it!! Even bought some ballet shoes to enhance my experience.

The WW posture makes absolute perfect sense. Its a shame how many people are misinformed about their own bodies!

But this post is about food. The mystery of what people are actually supposed to eat. First off I would like to add that I am an obsessive researcher and a natural rebel to society's standards. I am constantly seeking the truth amongst all of the lies that we have been taught. Anyways, I came across a man by the name of Dr. Robert Morse before I came across this magnificent site, looking for a cure for my hems. He is against the status quo as well, a bio-chemist, and herbalist. You can find his videos on Youtube. He mentions that we are electrical beings and that our Lymphatic system is key in maintaining optimal health. He states that humans are actually fruitarians and that it all boils down to chemistry. From food combining to how your body digests.

Fruit acts as an astringent pulling toxins from the walls of your cells to be pushed through the lymphatic system and eliminated. Vegetables (preferably raw - salads) are the 'scrubbers' of the digestive track and help clean it out as well. Meat putrefies in your intestines causing more toxins as well as a sluggish lymphatic system. Toxins and a sluggish lymphatic system will cause a host of 'diseases' which are really just screams from your body asking for help!

The lymph system is your bodies 'Waste Management'. Its crucial to keep it moving - T-Tapp (besides the butt tucking) is geared to just that - (Flexing and relaxing muscles in full body movements.)

After you eat, your body uses its stored energy to digest your food. Depending on what you eat it could take days!! In the meantime it is sitting in your gut while you eat even more food, compounding the issue. Fruit takes 15min.-.5 hour. Fat takes 4 hours. Meat takes 4+ hours (depending on how clogged you are) Bread and Grains, slow down your lymph and create a sticky glue like substance that cakes up along your intenstinal walls - leading to malabsorption and possibly not even being eliminated. Not to mention the fact that humans don't have the ability to digest the heartiness of grains. When you put meat in your mouth (the first step of digestion) - according to Dr. Morse, you don't have the proper enzymes to even digest it! That's why nuts will get stuck in your teeth - undigested. Protein is a joke. When you eat meat, your body has to break down the protein into amino acids, this too you can get from plants.

To get healthy it is imperative that your body spend less time digesting and more time healing. The same energy used for digesting is used for healing other parts of your body. For instance, a uterus that is adhered to the rectum with fibrosis, can be dealt with quicker if the body spends less time digesting! Then the energy can go towards healing what bad posture has caused our bodies to do through compensation.

Detox, detox, detox! Crucial for cleaning out the junk and starting anew. ANYTHING can be fixed (aka 'cured') through detoxing and a plant based diet, according to Dr. Robert Morse, and of course the last piece to the puzzle, posture! By knowing the truth we can take matters into our own hands and heal our prolapses, digestion, 'diseases,' and live the way that nature intended. Sorry for the long post! But my deeper humanitarian personality loves to shine in forums, so I can at least help one person.


Hi Day Star and welcome,
There has been much discussion about diet here on the forum, and I believe much passion about the subject expressed on these pages. Christine has also actually put out a lecture on gut health that you may find intersting, here:

Thank you for this post. Diet is proving to be a real issue while I deal with my rectocele. The idea that the body is using so much energy digesting and thus, not using all its power to heal, is interesting. I appreciate any ideas or theories on diet. It seems there is no one answer for all.

Thank you! I’m super interested in this subject I know that food can heal us! I want to know if you have tried this type of diet and if this has helped you prolapses?

I have been on a plant based diet for a year and a half almost now
I do Dr John Mcdougall starchivore diet
Is great :-)
It has not changed my POP but I feel much more content in myself, and happier that I do not have anythign animal in my diet (Tho admittedly I did not eat a lot of anythign meaty to start with but I did have milk etc