
Hi all from the UK!
Firstly I would like to say I am so grateful to have discovered this website and all of Christines work. I don't know what I would have done without the help and knowledge.
I had a prolapse of the uterus in January which was a huge shock as I have no children. I was very, very depressed for a while but when I found this website I picked myself up and started the posture and I have the First Aid for Prolapse video and was doing the exercises as often as possible and felt quite proud of myself as I was doing so well.
However, during August (double whammy!) I developed hip bursitis, from overuse I believe due to doing massive amounts of gardening all through the Summer and walking my dogs daily (which involves some uphill walking). My hubby is not in good health so it has meant me doing a lot more around the house and garden. I am so, so worried that I will not be able to walk my dogs on our long walks again, which is one of my biggest pleasures in life and which was also helping my prolapse. At present I am only going for short walks every couple of days. By the way I have just turned 63 last week (a very active and young minded 63)!
I have been taking turmeric, along with Flax Seed Oil and Vit C for the past month and have stopped taking ibuprofen.
Is it safe to carry on with the exercises from First Aid video and if I order the Save Your Hips video will it be worth it to help with my hips now?

Hi StayingPositiveUK,
I have read that stretching and exercise, as well as good rest can help with bursitis, and I personally think the Saving Your Hips video is an excellent choice in that direction. The routines that Christine has in that video are gentle and would be very helpful in getting you back to that good place you want to be in.

Thank you for replying. I have tried resting for a couple of days at a time but it is difficult to rest and doesn't seem to make much difference. Also have tried some stretching exercises. It seems to switch from one hip to the other and I get good and bad days. I have read that bursitis can go on for years and that worries me. I definitely don't want to go down the road of cortisone injections and lots of drugs. I will get the Save Your Hips and try these exercises. Thanks so much for your help.

I agree with Aging...for those with chronic hip pain the Save Your Hips course provides a revolutionary paradigm shift in understanding both the condition and conventional treatments. Sale ends tonight!

Hi StayingPositiveUK,
just saw your post and am writing to tell you that Christine's Hip program healed my hip issues, so that I don't have any more knee pain climbing stairs, (or painful hip concussion which immediately stopped upon adopting the posture) - and no more hip instability and aching joints at night!

I can now live pain free and am learning to dance Scottish Country which is the best for supporting the posture, also dancing with hip turnout and on toes! It ticks all the boxes!

I did the posture for about 18mths noting that my painful concussion ceased immediately and then spent a few months doing the Hips exercises almost every day.
I worked on it very slowly and gradually straightened out my limbs and evened out each side of my body also correcting inner ear balance enabling me to do the other yoga DVDs.

I am living proof that this works and I wish you all the best!

Aussie Soul Sister

Thanks so much for your replies.
I am starting some gentle hip exercises and along with taking the supplements I am also massaging comfrey ointment in every night which seems to help. I read that Pineapple juice also helps reduce inflammation so have started drinking that every day too. Doing everything I can possibly do at present,
I am so pleased that the Hip programme worked for you and I can't wait to try it. I will buy this but I think it will have to wait until the New Year now for financial reasons and so that I have the time.
Thanks again for all your feedback x

I'd recommend checking the label on that pineapple juice, and look for one that's pure and unadulterated and as low in sugar as possible. Fruit juices, even the healthiest varieties, have an awful lot of concentrated sugar, which is anything but anti-inflammatory. - Surviving

Yes, thank you. I am usually pretty careful about what I buy and always check labels (my hubby is always moaning at me in the supermarket because I take ages!). The one I am buying is just pure natural juice with no added anything. Hope it helps x

I would still look at the sugar content. Personally it's the first thing I look at on any food label. - Surviving

Hi StayingPositiveUK - just wanted to add a note about pineapple since I too have been trying to get more of them in because of the anti-inflammatory powers... I used to buy canned pineapple but then I read somewhere a while back that in order to get the anti-inflammatory benefits, you have to consume raw pineapple. Canned or juiced (if pasteurized) kills off the enzymes that provide the anti-inflammatory properties.
I've taken to buying whole peeled and cored pineapples as often as i can. Unpeeled whole pineapples are cheaper, but messy and hard to peel, and I can never catch them at their peak of ripeness. If I leave them to ripen at home, they end up going bad before I get around to slicing and dicing them :)