choosing which class to take


Hi, I'm trying to decide between The whole women solution to urinary incontinence, the whole women solution to pelvic organ prolapse and the first aid for prolapse. Does the 2nd one I listed above cover all that is in the other two?

Hi Hopeful123 and welcome,
Are you having problems with urinary incontinence? If not, the best beginning into this work would be either of the other two. Solutions is very in-depth and covers everything you need to know about whole woman. The First Aid is also a great beginning into this work, it is Christine's first video, and will get you well on your way.

Yes I also have issues with urinary incontinence. I recently had a miscarriage and had an ultrasound, the radiology tech mentioned in passing that I have a tilted uterus but its normal. When I started to do some reading up on-line about tilted uterus I came across information about prolapse, at first I dismissed it but then could relate to symptoms mentioned. So I did a self check and was SHOCKED to see that my cervix is so low, right by the opening of my vaginal opening!

Hi Hopeful123,
The urinary incontinence program is an excellent source and also has these pee on pee off exercises to help you with this issue. It also does cover some discussion about posture.
At the very least I would get the First Aid for Prolapse, it is a good beginning into understanding this work at an affordable price.
Its so hard for me to answer this question, because I think all of Christine's work is valuable and has something to offer.
Go to the store and read over the descriptions to help you decide what you want to start with first.
By the way, I had a tilted or retroverted uterus most of my life. It would be a verygood thing to start working on getting it to move forward into the lower belly where it belongs. We talk about this quite a bit on the forum, so put it in the search to find those threads. Some interesting stuff!

Thank you, I've started with the urinary incontinence program. Wish me luck.

Best wishes Hopeful,
We are all thinking of you!