Absolutely terrified, will I be normal again?


I went up and down the stairs of my house a few times on Wednesday and by the end of the day felt like my pelvic floor was loose, I thought I was just being paranoid. Thursday dining I felt fine and dint think twice of it. I moved a mattress, sliding it on he floor, without even thinking if that would affect my pelvic muscles, as I felt no straining elsewhere whilst I was moving it. Last night my prolapse was worse than ever, swollen and painful.

We're planning on installing our bedrooms upstairs, once our renovations are over, but now I'm scared I won't even be able to manage the stairs, especially post partum.

I am gaining an average amount of weight during my pregnancy, but have gained 13 pounds and am scared of what all this is doing to my prolapse. My midwife hasn't been helpful and I'm at a loss. My husband is very dismissive of my worries, he simply doesn't get it. I am now, more than ever, afraid to give birth and yet I wish it would come sooner rather than later, as having the baby kicking and wiggling is getting me more and more upset; afraid it is loosening everything further.

Hi Lacy Ann,
One thing you can do to help relieve those bulgy sore prolapse symptoms is to go down on knees and forearms and do some nice deep belly breathing. Keep working on your posture, and you may want to stay away from strenuous activities for now. It has always been a kind of unwritten rule to not start doing something that you weren't already doing pre-pregnancy. For example, some woman ride bike or run during a good part of their pregnancies, but it is an activity they were already engaged in. I remember a story of one woman who had to constantly bounce her baby because she was used to the bouncing action from the running her mom did during her pregnancy!
Take it easy on yourself, and after baby is born, delve right into the whole woman work, as that is the time of healing and the ww work only helps that healing along.

Thank you aging gracefully!