Loss of sensation


I am new to the forum and am terrified. I have been battling bladder prolapse and rectal prolapse which has worsened from coughing when I got the flu. I can feel the bulge at the opening of my vagina but i also seem to have lost some of the sensation in my bladder. I do have sensations but not as strong. I do not want surgery. I am afraid there is no hope for me. I am 60 years old and pretty healthy otherwise. I am going to order the program and start the postures but I need some hope tonight. Is there anyone that had a bad prolapse that improved and went on to have a quality of life?
Does anyone else feel they have lost some sensations in the vagina and bladder?

Hi Gaudygal - If you make a commitment to study and implement the WW work, you will join thousands of others who have stabilized and even reversed their symptoms, and just went right on with their lives, free of fear. I too was 60 when I started here. The first thing to do is forget about any possibility of surgery. There is no surgical cure for prolapse, and the existing surgeries that are pushed on women have a high failure rate and can leave you worse off than before.

When you talk about loss of sensation, can you be more specific? Are you having trouble telling when you have to urinate? - Surviving

Hi Gaudygal - if you're talking about loss of feeling like you have to urinate this happened to me....
I had a catheter during my 2nd birth and a month post partum I had my bladder peeking at the entrance to my vagina. Around this time I noticed that the urge to pee was faint and it didn't seem to be correlated to the amount of urine that would come out when I did go, nor did it get stronger if I didn't go.
At first I thought this was some nerve damage from the catheter except looking back, I didn't notice anything amiss the 1st month post partum. I only noticed this when my bladder was at the opening.
In my mind, I started thinking that the bladder was kinda hanging down half in the vagina, half not, and so the urge to pee wasn't strong because half of the pee was in the vagina. This is probably not the case and it's probably anatomically incorrect but that's my visual. also, for the 1st time in my life i was able to SEE my urethra and it looked big and open (scared the life outta me).
I haven't looked down there in a while but I can tell you that doing this posture moved my bladder back to where it's supposed to be and so far it's been hanging out in the right spot.
The urge to pee has come back for me and feels quite normal again (i.e. i feel like I have to go then it builds and builds until I do go). I'm not trying to hold my urine in, but I do try and see if the urge builds if I don't go right away.
My 'numbness' might have been postpartum related, might have been prolapse related - not sure. I think the best thing for you is to get that bladder into the right position and try to get it to stay there and see if that helps the sensation come back.
and I am also terrified of surgery - the good news is that you don't need to get surgery. There are so many women on here who had more severe prolapse than you are describing and they're doing just fine without surgery so yes - there is hope for you.

The loss of sensation to urinate could actually be that the urethra is kinked because the bladder has fallen out of position as Christine discusses in her work. I know when I started this work, I did have a slower stream at times because of this, and once my pelvic organs were lifted out of the vaginal space and more into proper positioning, the flow came back more naturally.

Yes it is that i dont feel the sensation to have to pee unless my bladder is really full. I have always had a lot of bladder pain and sensitivity because i have Interstitial cystitis. I also think i may be obsessing over and concentrating on it too much. I bought the first aid video and am starting the program today. Thank you for your replies, I just needed some hope because most Dr's I have seen are saying when you get to the point I am at surgery is inevitable. I am determined not to do that

Hi Gaudygal,
Have heart, the surgical solution is not a solution at all. The whole woman work really has been a lifesaver for so many of us, and can be for you too. You will also learn proper toileting which will really help you along with the bladder distress. Study the work and be diligent; you will be so amazed at how these simple changes will help you get your life back.

thanks aging gracefully - that makes sense.... i've seen that referenced somewhere, not sure where, but it makes sense.
what I also noticed was that whenever I pulled into posture, especially sitting on my knees/heels - i'd dribble a bit, despite not feeling like I had to pee at all.
the 'hose' may have straightened, as it were, letting the last bit of urine exit...

gaudygal - I think dr's will always tell you that surgery is the only option. thankfully you found this site - and i'm super grateful to Christine for putting it here because (if you have the time to read and search) you'll see so many stories and tips and support by numerous women. the good news is the solutions here won't harm you in any way so the way I looked at it - I'd try everything here first before ever thinking about surgery. there's no rush....
other than the bulge and the loss of urge (which I think some people with urge incontinence would say - hey - that doesn't sound so bad!) are you having any other symptoms?

Not really, i am still urinating ok and my bowel movements are ok, i have the rectal prolapse also, the bulge iis right on the verge of peeking out and seeing daylight. I am not leaking urine yet, I have just been really worried about this whole thing. I have an anxiety disorder so this doesnt help matters. I keep reminding myself this isnt life threatening and lots of women live with it without surgery. Thank you ladies for your help

Gaudygal, you will find as you get into the WW work that the organs are always moving around in response to what we do. Learn and practice posture, firebreathing, take time to get down on hands and knees and jiggle those organs into the belly....you will feel the relief that we are talking about. Be really diligent about your diet. With the IC especially.....you really need to ditch the sugar and follow an anti-inflammatory, gut-friendly diet protocol. - Surviving

Gaudygal---your story is very similar to mine. I have an anxiety disorder also and my prolapse has not helped at all! I am 4 years now into my prolapse, rectal and bladder. I go months and have no problems then they creep back up on me. I am sometimes unable to completely empty my bowels and urinating sometimes is difficult. I have trouble getting my bladder empty. This usually happens in the middle of the night then i can't go back to sleep cause I am so uncomfortable with a feeling of having to pee again as soon as I lay down. Then the anxiety kicks in and the heart starts beating out of my chest. I am using all the techniques of the whole woman way and it does help. I have found that tea makes my bladder really irritable and as much as I love it, I had to give it up. Jiggling has helped me tremendously and fire breathing. I cannot let myself go into a panic so I do alot of positive self talk. I find that the whole woman yoga series helps me if I do them daily. This keeps me from having the night time problem of not being able to empty or getting a good stream going. I thought all of this was in my head as I had a urogyn tell me my bladder prolapse had nothing to do with any of these symptoms and it was all in my head!! That made me feel like I was nuts. I will never ever see another Dr. for my prolapse. The whole woman way is the right way to handle this problem!! I am going to order a belt to help me with my posture even more. I suppose I will be working this program the rest of my life and that is okay! Stay the course!

Thank you for the encouragement. I think the loss of sensation in my bladder just scared me. I think I can deal with the bulge. I am trying to learn all the exercises and am determined to take care of it without surgery. I had surgery scheduled and cancelled after doing some research. My Dr wasn’t happy. The anxiety isn’t easy but I have been dealing with it for many years and can get through this too.