After cycle dryness and burning and swollen feeling


Every month after my cycle my vagina tends to feel swollen, it burns a bit, feels dry, and is overall a distinct kind of uncomfortable. I have prolapse but these symptoms seem to be distinct to the time after my bleeding stops each month. I did try honey for quite some time in the past and it did not seem to be what I needed to help these sympyoms. I have tried herbs that seem to help with low estrogen and that does help with this some. Does anyone else have this? It feels almost like it is more the entrance to the vagina than inside. There is an irritated, dry, burning, feeling. It is helped with balms and moisture but it quickly returns. It also seems to be accompanied by frequent need to urinate. I have a feeling it’s all hormonal. I’m Middle Ages and still having cycles regularly. My prolapse came on after my baby was born a few years back. This is how it has been since that birth actually. Some months worse than others. After each cycle , once the bleeding stops, my vagina just feels completely off. I do wonder if it’s the organ placement or the hormones or the tissue itself that’s producing the discomfort. I also wonder if it
Is an issue of veinous nature. Compression right to my perineum helps. Does anyone have any expertise thatnis similar and have any ideas as to what has helped? I’m very experienced with whole woman in regards to the posture and toileting. I also take care of my body with rest and nutrients, and movement. I believe in this work and use it to maintain as much comfort as I can have. But this has me stumped and I wondered if other womenout there could add some two cents.

Hi UnCloudyDay,
Christine and some of the other ladies have actually talked about drinking red clover tea every day for the phytoestrogen affect that it has. It also comes in a balm.
Plug red clover into the search for more threads.
I would also keep using the honey every day, just make sure it is the raw local honey.

I had noticed that on the forums when I did some searching. I did try red clover mixed eith other herbals in an infusions a couple years back but can’t say that I did it regularly. I then tried red clover capsules and didn’t see a huge difference but maybe I should have taken more capsules a day? I’m sure the tea is stronger. Maybe I’ll have to make time for making tea again. And give it another try. There is a popular herbal formula that has black cohosh and soy isoflavones together and it makes a big difference for me when I take it daily, but I’m concerned about taking the soy isoflavones on a daily basis. Maybe I shouldn’t be? There’s so much conflicting data out there. Does Christine cover phytoestrogens and herbals on any of her programs? I would love to know if black cohosh plus soy isoflavones is ok for daily use at least intermittently.

I am going to look for a source for red clover balm. That’s a good idea. Worth a try. I am sure I could make some too if I tried. I’m not in a season with much time though. Anyone have a source for this?

Yea, I think I remember the discussion where the actual red clover tea was more effective than capsules. I went to my local health food store and found the tea that has the flowers as well as the leaves in it! Really didn't care for the taste, but I guess it grows on you.
You may want to look into Christine's lecture series for more information on vaginal health:

This also includes the gut bacteria lecture, all great stuff!

You may be interested in Christine's demo of how she makes her red clover salve:

That is a very helpful link. Thank you ladies for the information. I ordered some red clover tea and I’m going to try having a daily cup. Alfalfa seems to be another herb for me to consider reintroducing. I have used it in the past for other things and I do know it’s very nutrient full. I’m glad Christine mentions it in the video clip.