Where do I find this information?


I am perimenopause, 21 week since last time of month. I was just telling someone last week that if this is how menopause feels, I'd be fine. Two days later, Bam!!! I felt a protrusion from my vagina and started doing some research, which led me to prolapse. I no longer have the bulge, but now it feels as if all my internal organs have fallen down onto my rectum and I am having trouble with bowel movements and experiencing great pain and pressure. I purchased the First Aid For Prolapse course and have started the exercises. I did some searching of the forums for information to help with bowel movements and found mention of doing "jiggling, belly tossing, fire breathing and splinting during bowel movements." I did not see any of this mentioned in the course I bought. Where do I find this information? I stretched my budget to purchase the First Aid course and will not be able to purchase any more for a long time. BTW.. my bowel movements are very soft and I am still having trouble passing them. Fiber is not the solution here!

Hello Time2Garden,

Our product line has been a work-in-progress, not something that sprang forth fully formed. Therefore, the WW knowledge base is spread throughout several different programs.

I see the problem in not having these basic exercises in the flagship prolapse product and thank you for bringing it to our attention. The only solution as I see it is to make it a priority at WW to create another video section to be inserted into the current FAFP course.

This will take a couple of weeks to complete, so I ask your forbearance.


Hi Time2Garden and welcome. Splinting and jiggling are two topics that you can search for on the forum. That's really the only place that you will find either of these topics discussed. You can use the search feature at the top of this page to find lots of comments. Splinting is merely the act of inserting a finger into the vagina to push back the rectocele in order to more easily eliminate. Jiggling is just something we like to do to get the organs into the belly, and can be done any number of ways. Plenty to read about on these pages. Start following the forum (as well as searching for topics of interest) - there is such a wealth of info here. - Surviving


That would be such a great idea to have the addition.

And to the original poster, when I splint I actually have to use my hand to apply pressure up and back to the perineum area. That added to the toileting techniques in the Fundamentals program allows me to empty well most of the time.