

Hi, could you please give me an advice how to walk correctly? I have cystocele, 11 months PP. I walk in WW posture and should I use only toes, or toes first and than heels or heels first and than toes? And what should I do with my hands? Long steps? I am walking 1 month in WW posture and still feel after walk badly :-(...Thank you very much for this helpfull specification...

Hi Belly,
Here is a great post from Christine about toe first walking:

It took me quite some time, months in fact, to start getting a better feeling with the whole woman walking, But, as the lumbar curvature starting taking place, and as I was getting all those posture principles down, I then started really stretching it out, and I could feel my organs moving into the lower belly as I walked along. This was almost a year into this work for me, so for some of us, it does take a little more time and diligence.
Just keep at it, it will come along for you too.

definitely do some searches on here - you'll get tons of advice...
I saw christine's description of toe walking and I have to say - it feels pretty good. not sure i could walk like that more than a few steps tho - self conscious!
Otherwise - regular heel to toe walking is how you do it. Keep your feet straight forward and follow the posture on top. My biggest problem is when I walk in ww posture - I tend to be so stiff! I'm looking straight ahead and I'm scared to turn my head :) but i've only been doing this for like 6 months and i'm not doing a ton of walking yet anyway...
long strides is good
i personally focus on lifting chest, lifting tailbone and i pretend someone's pulling my ponytail (or messy bun depending on the day) up from above. I had a bad habit of pushing my chin outwards and/or up so i'm trying to focus on pulling up from the back of my head, chin down.
also breathing thru diaphragm and belly out on in breath.
As i'm walking i keep tweaking so that's why the longer my walk the better my posture becomes... shorter bursts around the office i don't get the chance to tweak.