Overwhelmed and scared over PFD


I am just figuring out that this sensation I have had the last couple years is PFD, a prolapse bladder. I am 43 with no children. My pelvic spine juts out due compensating for a lifelong crsniocervical junction injury, not even sure how much control I have over it. What's worse is I have horrible muscle tone, like none, thanks in part to being aspergers. Which also makes sensations unbearable. I am leaning towards a pussary (though I will not be able to get it in!), and perhaps a support. Otherwise, I will dehydrate because I dread drinking and exercises feel impossible (already does with my fatigue).

My biggest thoughts are that I am really lucky to find you because I do believe the body can heal, but I M poor, as someone with a brain injury and autism. I cannot afford $400 to try one product, even if it works. Sigh. What help is available to those of us who cannot afford this exact program?

Hi Erta and welcome. You can purchase the Fundamentals for $25, which covers basic posture and toileting practices. Or for $99 you can get First Aid for Prolapse, which covers everything. Periodically throughout the year, there are various sales and promotions, if you want or need to wait for one of those. Meanwhile, there is a wealth of information on the website and blog, and you can follow the forum, which also has a search feature. Plenty of help, no matter what your budget.

That being said, you do have some special challenges there. The spinal issue is particular, is a bit outside the range of what we discuss on the forum (we're not a medical site). Can you relax your belly and lift your chest? - Surviving

Thank you so much! I both can and cannot. The minute I straighten my upper spine, my pelvis tilts. Its built in. I honestly know that this is how this started, to be honest. I have held my belly tight for decades, never breath in deep. I am certain others here likely have had bad whiplash or scoliosis )similar distortion), but yeah, I feel overwhelmed. HD the symptoms for a couple years at least, the knowledge is scary....and I have yet to be officially diagnose. A neck brace helps me, I will wear it more.

Barre3 class I did for the month I made it happen. My posture and muscle tone, that is. Loved it. But it is s lot of squats. Different kinds and I don't go down that low anyways, but I think I need to do it.