bladder & uterus prolapse


Hi, I'm a new member and seeking any info. on this condition. I am 63 yrs. old amd just found out that I have this problem. I was given 3 options by my uro/gynecologist, 1)do nothing, 2) pessary, and 3) Pelvic reconstructive Surgery, (Hysterectomy) which seemed quite aggressive to me, obviously I chose to try the Pessary. Dr. advised it may fall out it's only benn about6 days since inserted but seems to be working. I have many ?'s about this pelvic reconstructive surgery before I submit to it< If this pessary will help suport my prolapse Bladder won't it help the Prolapse Uterus also? to my knowledge I have no Cancer is the Uterus of any other Female organs. I am a Diabetic and of course things take longer to heal and as everyone I hope surgey isn't needed however I need all the info. I can get on Pessary results and Hysterectomy results., I am aware from TV and other material that there are more Hysterectomies done than needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you, Ginger104

Hi Ginger, and welcome,

Thanks for writing and I hope I can help you understand more about your condition and your options. Yes, reconstructive surgery is very radical. It would be great if it were really that

Hi Ginger, Please go to page 2 of this forum and check on my original posting on April 14th under Cystocele and read all the replies to my posting.
I'm 74 and sure didn't want surgery at my age. I have been doing the posture and walking with long strides and I'm doing fine so far. Some days are worse than others but I know that is when I am not eating my fiber to keep myself regular or don't sit right. Most times I don't even notice the bulge.
Do the posture and read the book and you should be fine without surgery. Welcome to the group. I love it here and I love Christine and the work she is doing.