SI Joint Pain


Hi ladies. I feel like I must be doing something wrong! I am dedicated to the posture and it helps my prolapse so much but I now have SI Joint Pain. Stretching alleviates it a bit but really it bothers me every day. Is this normal? Any tips? I'm worried I'm going to do myself some damage and have to stop and I really don't want to as the benefits still massively outweigh this pain but I don't know how much longer this will be the case.


Hi Variable - We have no way of knowing if your posture is correct. Adopting WW posture is a big change for many of us, and can cause some discomfort at the beginning, which we work through gradually by not overdoing. Here is one post by Christine that addresses SI pain:

You should do a search on SI joint pain using the search box on this page. I found another post expressing the importance of keeping the chest strongly lifted.

You might want to concentrate on something basic for awhile, like walking in posture. And lots of stretching while flat on your back, with a pillow under the lower back for support. If you did not have this pain before, and you have it now, maybe a consult with a practitioner is in order, to really check all the elements of posture. WW posture is natural and normal, so if you are now having pain, there could be other reasons. Very hard for us to say. - Surviving

Hi variable,
Before coming to whole woman , I had constant trouble with my sacroiliac joint. When it would go out, I would be flat on my back with pain and stiffness. The only thing that helped me at the time was the chiropractor. I was also doing a lot of heavy lifting at the time, so that could be a factor if you are doing that.
For me, the Christine's exercises really helped stretch out those stubborn joints and surrounding muscles. Whole woman walking and gentle posture work really are important aspects also.
I still get a little nagging pull on that SI joint, but I don't have the pain anymore, and I haven't been to the chiropractor for years. I really attribute that to getting my body back to proper alignment.
So, gently forward and get the extra help you need if you think your posture isn't correct, because SI joint pain shouldn't be a symptom of posture work.