Acid reflux


Hello everyone.
I was reading through the forum and found some posts regarding acid reflux where people are using elevated pillows and damaging their posture and pelvic organs
I am here trying to repair my own prolapse but I can definitely give people some advice on acid reflux.
I have suffered from acid reflux and many other digestive issues, constipation was one of them which I believe along with the bad posture gave me this rectocele. I have used an elevated acid reflux pillow for some. 3-4 months..
I suffered for more than two years during which I tried everything changing my diet alternative medicines allopathic Ayurvedic naturopathic homeopathic you name it. Some of the medicines did work for some time but after I tried to phase them out my acid reflux came back and this happened number of times with me and I got hospitalized with acute gastritis.
I became anorexic because of the fear of getting acidity and came down to 30kgs body weight. I am a lacto vegetarian by birth but had completely eliminated Dairy oil and every kind of fat and was on boiled vegetables and chapatis the Indian flattened bread for about 7-8 months. There was a time when I could not Stand for 5 minutes because the weakness in my body and the doctors had told me that I will have to take antacids throughout my life.
In the end what helped me was
I know this sounds like just another remedy but this has helped me and my every relative or friend who had this condition.
Start by taking 1 tablespoon 7-8 times a day or more depending on your severity. In my initial days I used to keep it in my mouth all day long. ALWAYS REMEMBER fennel seed is not the trick here but the SALIVA that this helps you to generate.
Don’t be in a hurry to chew all of this up And complete your dosage but try to keep one tbs for as long as you can chewing or sucking on it slowly. The saliva that you will generate will dilute your stomach acids that’s all that this is about. Suck on it until what remains is just the fodder and no juice and if you can’t get another tbs of this after throwing the fodder keep sucking on it to generate saliva. Throw the fodder or ingest is your choice I’ve always thrown it out. Roasted is important as it is more chewable and also generates more saliva.
Alternatively if you live in colder areas and cannot have a lot of fennel seeds which are cold in nature start with SULTANA CURRANT or what we call in India as MUNAKKA. MUNAKKA is an excellent saliva generator you don’t even have to suck on it just keep one at one side of you mouth behind your teeth it sour and sweet taste will keep generating saliva on its own. But you have to be cautious with munakka unlike fennel seeds you can’t chew them and can’t eat a lot of them 7-8 a day at max else it might just do the opposite.
I have had success with both but I mostly consume fennel seeds because of its cooling nature as we are currently residing in Arab country.
I am sure you will be able to see results after within 10-15 days and you will be able to lower your dosage to 4-5 and then to thrice a day after meals.
If you are on some antacids or any other medications don’t cut them out immediately slowly phase them out after observing your recovery.
I’ve now completely recovered but I still get minor managable acidity some days if I eat junk food or fried food but all I do is immediately use fennel seeds and I am fine. Similarly is the report of my friends who’ve had success with this but yes there’s one thing common between us which is that we are all lacto vegetarians.
I may sound over confident with all of this but the reason behind this is that it’s been over a year now I have fully recovered and Had no relapse I can eat whatever I want and I know that I have control over my acidity.
Dear moderators i am a new member so i am not really sure if I qualify to give advice on matters, but this is the only way I feel I can give back to this helpful and honest community.



I think I remember someone suggesting fennel seed for symptom relief previously, but I also want to bring up a post from Christine where she discusses the importance of how ww posture brings our internal organs into proper alignment so our stomach and esophagus are in the correct angles preventing stomach acid from rushing into the esophagus . Christine explains it best here:

Where do you buy roasted fennel seeds? Also, I have suffered for many years with acid reflux off and on after giving birth to each child. However, recently I started to understand the whole woman posture better and I noticed am improvement in my acid reflux like aging gracefully mentioned about Christine's post.